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USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 10:57 am

I have a friends old TOMTOM one. It's probably been sat in a drawer for a long time and the battery was beyond flat.
However after charging all night it switches on. I've plugged it in via usb and the pc (regardless of the multitude of usb cables I've used ) tells me the device has malfunctioned and has not been recognised.

Tomtom home says device not connected (no surprise there as the pc does not read it as a tomtom.)or even list it at all.

Not sure if it had a hacked navcore - I don't think it has as the new map won't read with it.
Yes, the map was patched as was tomtom home.
These were all patched on the memory stick in a card reader .
If I use the M/Stick in a card reader and plug that into the pc, with tomtom home it works fine and the new map works.

I'm just lost on why the unit won't be recognised by p.c ? Could the Boot loader be corrupted ?
How would I get this unit back on its feet if the pc can't recognise it ?

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:52 am

Turn he device fully off, not just in standby mode.
Connect to the PC.
Press the reset button (please not on the PC ;)).
Start the TT - it has to connect now! If it does not your hardware has problems.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:22 pm

I've done the reset a few times with the pin into the hole in the bottom.
It'll turn on with the main button- and by pressing the same button again go into standby (black screen that looks like its switched off.)
Holding this button down to switch off though does not show the shutdown splash screen. so I guess even holding it down doesn't shut it off completely, otherwise I would see the shut down screen. Reset would have shut it down anyway.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:35 pm

If I hold down the power button until it goes past the tomtom intro, it then shows you your device info.
The startup mode says 'sleep'.
If (still whilst holding down the power button ) I then insert a pin to reset the device and reboot it has now changed to power down.
The ttbif file on the memory stick says

DeviceName=TomTom ONE

but the bootloader on the unit says 5.05 I wonder if this discrepancy is the cause ?

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:00 pm

5.Switch on your navigation device.

6.Press and hold the On/Off button. Do not release the On/Off button when the device restarts with a drum sound. Instead, keep holding the On/Off button until the device shows a black screen with white text. Only release the On/Off button when you see that screen. This can take 10 seconds or longer.

7.While the black screen with white text is displayed, press and fully release the On/Off button 3 times, quite quickly as in "1-2-3". Getting this timing right is one of the critical steps of this process.

The screen goes black, and then after a few seconds the device reboots into recovery mode. It shows a screen with a spinning cogwheel or wheel depending on which device you have.
If you do not see a spinning cogwheel or wheel, turn off your device and start again from step 6.
8.Quickly connect the USB cable to your navigation device. You need to connect the cable while the spinning cogwheel or wheel is shown.
This is an extract from the tomtom help page..for anyone who might have better luck than me. The pressing of the on button 3 times didn't work for me.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:02 pm

You did not say if you followed my procedure.
So please try that first as it is written down up there.

If that fails you have the additional problem that your device uses a modified Navcore for a small batch of devices with pre-existing hardware problems.
Due to the bootloader used you can only install the genuine Navcore from TT and overwrite with a patched file - manual patching with tools will fail.
That is based on the info from your TTGO.BIF but the device should run on a V8 Navcore and not a V7 with that bootloader.
Did you try just the SD in a card reader for the update through Home?

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:04 pm

Yes I followed your advice and sorry no it didn't work.
The navcore on the unit I can't access as the pc and home won't recognise it.
I can insert a fat formatted m/stick into the tomtom and the pc sees that as an empty external drive.
Then i've run home - as the stick is empty home will 'update' the tomtom (stick) with new files.
unplug the usb from the tomtom leaving the memory stick inside the unit.
Switched it on hoping that a new bif file may be created by the tomtom unit.No bif file on the stick.
I've tried turning it on and off a few times and nothing is written to the memory stick.

I'm guessing the internal tomtom drive is kaput as
1. I can't read it, modify or write to it.
2. Pc will not recognise the Hdd solely within the tomtom unit, and without the card it tells me so.
3.Tomtom home says no device connected when I connect the unit and turn on. Only the memory card (when inserted is seen.)

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:59 am

That indeed sound like a faulty unit.
If the TT still tries to boot from the SD and assuming the bootloader info is not 100% correct, put a V9 Navcore using one of my installers on the SD card and check if the TT is able to boot with with it.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:11 pm

O.k thankyou.If its faulty I've nothing to lose. I'll D/l your V9 navcore onto a blank M/S.
I'll use the one 'for all models' and see what happens and let you know.

Thanks for the info and for putting up things like this, it's a big help regardless, and is appreciated that you help make the site as great as it is.Cheers.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:42 pm

This just happened to me on GO930. One day it worked, next day
the USB device was not recognized. I did not try the three button press yet.
But all the methods using the reset pin did not work. I had a very recent
backup, so I put everything on the SD card and have a perfectly functioning
unit just running system from SD card. The USB still works for powering
up the device.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:44 pm

Cracked it.Eventually.
Installed your 9.5 for 32mb systems.
Then plugged it into home to get the new bif.
Added the map and speedcams.
Then fast activate the lot.
Job done.
Biggest problem...original card of 250 mb was too small to add both map and system files.

So found another card... 4gb...
That became the problem as it wouldn't read in the tomtom after adding all the files (although it worked in home.)
Recalled something about cards over 2Gb and tomtoms.
Found a 2gb card and did the same routine again and Voila ! all working. Thank goodness.
Downunder I can't thank you enough.
Rarasek That's exactly what I did, after downunders advice.
Thanks for the input guys !
Last edited by trader_35 on Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:27 pm

trader_35 wrote:So found another card... 4gb...That became the problem as it wouldn't read in the tomtom after adding all the files (although the worked in home.)Recalled something about cards over 2Gb and tomtoms.

Download bootloader 5.5128 & put it on your 2GB card. Boot the unit to update to 5.5128. Once done, you can use ANY SIZE SD/SDHC card.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:53 am

I did not know that.Thanks.
Well it all runs smoothly for about a minute then reboots..starts up.loads up the map..all the icons in the menu can be selected...but after about a minute it reboots again...even if i do not touch it..Think i read somewhere about deleting poi folder to cure it ?

Re: USB malfunctioned and not recognised

Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:52 pm

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