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Using a download manager

Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:11 pm

Anyone know where I can use a download manager to download a western europe 960_7056 map rather than wait hours/days with the current download site.

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:20 am

naviboy wrote:Anyone know where I can use a download manager to download a western europe 960_7056 map rather than wait hours/days with the current download site.

I use JDownloader2 and let it run overnight.

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:15 pm


I've downloaded your suggested downloader and it shows all the links I'm trying to download where my downloader don't.

You say to leave it run overnight. Using 'filefactory' you are limited as free user to the number of downloads allowed/hour. Or are you a paid subscriber to the site.

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:03 pm

naviboy wrote:You say to leave it run overnight. Using 'filefactory' you are limited as free user to the number of downloads allowed/hour. Or are you a paid subscriber to the site.

No, I'm not a paid subscriber. There is some wait time tween downloads. JD takes care of it, so I don't have to download the parts 1 @ a time or monitor the download.

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:11 pm

ok thanks,

I have all the parts in the download list waiting for download.

But unless I go through the system via 'inkcrypt' and 'filefactory' for each file, JD does not download the files automatically It stops once file is done.

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:09 pm

Are u using a dlc file, something like this?

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:58 pm


Found the DLC on Linkcrypt and saved it for JD.
But the file is different as g88aep6865j2001-filefactory.com ??

Re: Using a download manager

Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:44 pm

naviboy wrote:But the file is different as g88aep6865j2001-filefactory.com ??

The dlc file in post 6 is for [Please Register or Login to download file] .
Yours is for the install & patch version.
Click on the saved link & it will open JD, then load all of the parts & wait on you to hit the GO button.

Re: Using a download manager

Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:46 pm


Downloading but because Filefactory is abit slow for free user's, its taking alittle longer than overnight. More like 24hrs.

But thanks its all running and better than IDM I was using.

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