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When new maps is sceduled?

Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:17 pm

Whats the time when new maps are pushed out by tomtom?

Its 4 times a year - End of January, End of April, End of July and end of October?
Am i correct?

My friends have planned a trip to Europe by car in start of March and i dont know if i should update their tomtom to 960 map or wait till next/newer map? - 965(maybe!?)

Re: When new maps is sceduled?

Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:08 am

looneylv wrote:Its 4 times a year - End of January, End of April, End of July and end of October? Am i correct

Nope, but you are close. Mid Feb, Mid May, Mid Aug and Mid Nov.
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