I was given instructions on how to update my TTXL but have a question regarding which ttsystem to use.
The instructions I received were: "Unzip & copy the navcore as well as the pre-patched ttsystem & PNDNavigator files to your internal, overwriting any common files."
I downloaded the navcore and the ttsystem files ([Please Register or Login to download file] and X_ttsystem.9.205.547817.1, respectively).
The navcore has a ttsystem file of ~8MB and the X_ttsystem.9... file has a ttsystem file of ~4MB. Curious as to which one I should use.
Also, the X_ttsystem file has a lot of other files in it that the instructions didn't specify anything about, including a very large bin folder in the Outsourced.9205 folder. What do I do with these files or can I ignore them?
Thanks in advance.