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[HOW TO] Install AppSync for iOS 4.3.2 to Install Cracked Apps from iTunes

Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:41 pm

After jailbreaking iOS 4.3.2 on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad,
you can install Installous to try cracked apps on your jailbroken iDevice.

To sync these cracked apps with iTunes, you must install AppSync for iOS 4.3.2
otherwise iTunes will delete all those cracked apps
while syncing your iDevice with your PC or Mac.

AppSync will patch the MobileInstallation file on your
iDevice which allows you to install cracked apps on it
and tricks iTunes to think that your apps are
legitimately purchased from App Store.

Steps to Install AppSync for iOS 4.3.2 Through Cydia:

Open Cydia on your jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

Tap on the Manage tab at bottom and then tap on Sources section.

Tap on Edit button on the top-right and then tap on Add button on the top-left.
Enter [color=red][/color] as Cydia/APT URL and click on Add Source button.

cydia will warn you that you are adding a repo reported for piracy... just dismiss the warning

Wait while Cydia adds repo and reloads its data.

Once done, tap on the Search tab at the bottom and type AppSync for OS 4.0+ in the search field.

Click on Install button on the top-right to install AppSync app.

Wait while Cydia downloads and installs AppSync on your iDevice.

Thats it. Feel free to try as many premium apps that you want on your iDevice.

Wed May 11, 2011 2:53 pm

Hi bro, how do i install xxx app in iphone 4 without jailbrake ?

Thu May 12, 2011 11:18 pm

powertech wrote:Hi bro, how do i install xxx app in iphone 4 without jailbrake ?

to install an app without a jailbreak you must either buy the app...
or purchase a developers licence

[HOW TO] Install AppSync for iOS 4.3.2 to Install Cracked Ap

Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:04 am

One of the most known tweaks in Cydia is AppSync which allows you to install cracked apps on your iOS devices.
AppSync for iOS 5 now makes its way to Cydia.
AppSync for iOS 5 allows you to install cracked apps on iOS 5. For those of you who don’t know, AppSync patches MobileInstallation file on iOS which is needed in order to install .ipa files manually without using iTunes.
Of course your iPhone must be jailbroken on iOS 5 to be able to install AppSync for iOS 5. AppSync is available in individual repository so you’ll have to add the repo on your own.

Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:17 pm

Jailbreak info here [Please Register or Login to download file]
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