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Question about iPhone IOS

Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:49 pm

A friend of mine has a 3GS [hope I said that correctly] with IOS 4.5. He has a golf GPS program that measures distance to the green but it takes a good 20 seconds or more to settle in to the yardage. If he were to update his IOS to the current version, would that also increase the speed of the phone to receive information? Thanks. :D

Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:29 pm

can you provide some more info... at least the baseband (modem firmware) version

Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:59 pm

multipazz wrote:can you provide some more info... at least the baseband (modem firmware) version

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, his phone is not in my possession. All I know is that it's an iPhone 3GS that came with iOS 4.35 and that he upgraded to the next iOS [4.51?]. Let's try it this way. Is there any way to increase the GPS speed to get the yardage quicker? He's not going to want to damage his phone or even chance it.

Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:57 pm

ok 4.3.5 was the last version of 4x firmwares
my guess he is on the current firmware 5.1.1
but this i think is irrelevant to the problem

I am guessing that he will make his yardage then put the device back in his pocket
any GPS device will take time to acquire satellites not just phones

if he is using a trolly for his clubs... perhaps he could get a bike clamp for the phone
and mount it on the trolly

if he carry his clubs... maybe a running or sports type arm band would help

this way he will already have acquired good signals when he wants to use it

the other thing he could do is quit all the apps running in the background may help to speed it up a tad
double tap the home button... press and hold an app in the multitasking bar that appeared along the bottom of the screen
the apps will start jiggling...start pressing all the little red minus baloons on the apps in the multitasking bar along the bottom

Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:19 am

Thanks buddy. He's done those things in the past that you suggested. But it just may be that his phone is slow. I know the 4S is much faster. I have a dedicated golf GPS device [Garmin Approach G5] so he just asks me. It's sometimes a PITA though.

Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:17 am

try killing all the active apps from the multitasking tray as per my last comment

also he can try a few hard reboots this may help fix some software related issues
hold power + home the phone will power off keep holding until the apple logo appears

Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:28 am

he can get a good deal on the G3 at tescos in the UK with promotion code TDX-KPHM offer ends 30/9/12

[Please Register or Login to download file]

with the promotional code at checkout he can have this unit for £118

but I guess you need a deal on the other side of the pond.....

Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:39 pm

It's his problem now. I was just trying to help.

Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:13 pm

I have 2 iPhones 8GB and 16GB. I installed Garmin USA on the 16GB
and got a message stating not authorized. After trying a few
times it no longer gives me the message it just shuts down after
about a 10 seconds during the start up of the program.
I tried uninstalling and installing again and get the same
closing after a about 10 seconds. I tried a few other Gramin USA
and get the same results.

I installed one of the versions on my 8GB and it worked perfectly.

All the other apps on the 16GB work fine except for the any of
the Garmin apps. I even tried one with no maps and it still closes
after about 10 seconds. Tried holding power and front button
until it reboots, no change. Even did a springboard reboot, no luck.
I shut off just about all the notifications in case it was causing low
memory but no luck. I have iTune apps and apps from Installous.
All work fine except for the Garmin app which did sort of work
in the beginning.

Any clue how to fix this


Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:29 am

where did you source the garmin apps from

Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:48 pm


Have you considered an iGO program from here?


Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:56 pm

The only reason I wanted the Garmin is so I could use
a turn by turn GPS map of Aruba. As far as I know no
other GPS program offers a Aruba map

Would iGO be compatible with Garmin Maps?


chas521 wrote:@Ken

Have you considered an iGO program from here?

Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:16 pm

In which iGO fails double.
No Aruba map, at least not freely available, no compability with maps made for other navigation software.

The latter forces me to a general remark.
Each navigation programmer uses the same basic maps.Navteq and TomTom/Teleatlas are the 2 major manufacturers, but there are local providers esp in Eastern Europe too. iGO can use uses both NT and TT/TA maps and the local providers maps as well (possibly other software can too). However each manufacturer uses a different compression method of those basic maps, so there is no compability at all.
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