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Tomtom for iphone 3gs please

Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:57 pm

hi i am looking for tomtom application for my jailbreak iphone 3gs i dont know were to start.h any helppleasethankyou

Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:24 am

please start with:-
which firmware and baseband you have on your 3GS?

which tool you used to jailbreak?

and which maps you are interested in for your device.

we have a good selection here :-

Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:16 am

hi thank you for the link,i dont know how i missed that.
my software version 3.1.2(7d11) and baseband 05.11.07 and i am using cydia.i am intressted in full europe maps.thanks

Mon Jan 02, 2012 6:00 pm

you may have problems with v1.8 or v1.9 on 3.1.2

iTunes says 1.9 is for iOS 4x+

3.1.2 is old on the 3Gs you must be jailbroken since launch :D

check in cydia which blobs you have saved..
if you don't have any then and don't want to upgrade to iOS 5
Apple are still signing iOS 4.1 jailbreak with limera1n or greenpois0n ( you will loose your unlockable baseband )
if you have 4.3.3 SHSH blobs you can use ( also will loose the unlockable baseband )
and there is a new untethered jailbreak released for 5.0.1 using either redsn0w, pwnagetool or snowbreeze
( a custom firmware will allow you to keep your unlockable baseband (pwnagetool on mac and sn0wbreeze on PC) )

you will not have any issue with no GPS as I see you never installed the iPad baseband

if you dont want to upgrade your firmware you may want to try a v1.7 or earlier tomtom app that is compatible with your firmware...

Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:07 pm

hi thank you for the replay,when i open cedia it keep asking me do to essencial upgrade.i am new to iphone as well sorry,if i upgrade will my phone will be locked again.i think the upgrade is SHSH : ios 4.1,5.0.1,that what i see written on the top of welcome to cydia.

Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:52 pm

both 4.1 and 5.0.1 have untethered jailbreak available

as i said on previous post you will be best with a custom firmware
pwnagetool on mac and sn0wbreeze on PC
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