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TomTom - How to add custom voices, POIs to iPhone without Ja

Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:44 pm

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First, if you have the App installed in your iPhone, please remove it.

Second, on your computer, go to Control panel and select, 'Folder Options'
Select, 'Do not show hidden files and folders'
and remove the 'Hide extensions for known file types'


Open iTunes and navigate to the applications folder. Locate your TomTom App. Back up this file before proceeding.
Right Click the App and select 'Show in Windows Explorer'


This will show you the file.IPA in windows explorer


Next, you need to rename the file. At the end of the file, add '.zip' and hit enter.


You will get this warning:


Select 'Yes'

You will notice the icon changed from the iTunes icon to a zip file.


Double click the zip file and navigate to:
You will see this


You will notice the North America folder and voices folder.
The North America folder is where you place your custom POI files (.bmp & .ov2)
The voices folder is where you will include your custom voices (.chk & .vif)


Navigate to the 'North America' folder
copy any custom POIs you have and paste it into this directory.

It will take some time to copy over because of the compressing.


Once your POI files are copied you will see them in the directory



Navigate to the 'voices' folder

You will see the list of installed voices.


You cannot add extra voices! You can only replace the existing voices with custom ones.

Follow this list to know what voice each data file is:
00- Dansk Brigtte
01- Deutsch Werner
02 - Deutsch - Lisa
03 Missing
04- English(UK) - Tim
05-English(UK) - Jane
06- English(AUS) - Ken
07-English(US) - Lori
08- English(US) - Bonnie
09- English(US) - Richard
10- Español - Marta
11- Français - Jacques
12- Français - Catherine
13- Italiano - Chiara
14- Nederlands(NL) - Bram
15- Nederlands(NL) - Eva
16- English(US) - Mandy
17- Nederlands( - Lucie
18- Norsk - Liv
19- Svenska - Astrid
20- Norsk - Jorgen
21- Svenska - Patrik
22- Español - Antonio

23- Dansk - Nils
24- Italiano - Roberto
25- Português - Joaquim
26- Português - Catarina
27- Suomi - Kati
28- Suomi - Matti
29- Nederlands( - Bernard
30- Greek - Olympia
31- Greek - Aristides
32- Ruskii - Anna
33-Ruskii - Vlad
34-Polski - Katarzyna
35-Polski - Andrzej
36-Eesti - Jüri
37-Slovencina - Barbara
38 is missing for some reason as well.
39-Türkçe - Ozgur
40-Latviski - Ivars

41-Cestina - Miloslav
42- Malay - Erra
43- Bulgarian - Marius
44- Español(LA) - Norma
45- Español(LA) - Raul
46-Catalan - Maria
47- Srpski - Predrag
48- female - Shanghainese
49- Hrvatski(Croat) - Goran
50- Português(BRA) - Gabriela
51- Magyar(HUN) - Marika
52-Lietuvskai - Vladas
53- female - Cantonese
54- female - Mandarin
55- Japanese - Kiyoshi
56- Roman - Oana
57- Thai - Yue
58- female - Hakka
59- female - Mandarin(Taiwan)
60- female - Hoklo

rename the custom file to the one you want to replace. I recommend you back up the file you are replacing.


Once you are done customizing, navigate back to the 'Mobile Applications' folder.
Rename the APP file from the zip you created back to the original extension: '.ipa by removing the '.zip' and hit enter.


The icon will return back to the iTunes icon.


Connect your iPhone to your computer, select your iPhone device and then scroll to the 'Applications' tab.

Make sure the TomTom App is check or select the option


I suggest before syncing to place your phone into flight mode. This will block any text or incoming call that can interrupt the long installation. To place your iPhone in flight mode: navigate to settings and select 'Airplane Mode' as ON.

Then select ' Apply ' on the bottom right to sync the App.


Open your TomTom App to make sure it installed correctly.
I only installed a custom POI so to check this I went to:
Change Settings>Map>POI Types and the custom POI was listed:


As of right now, you cannot add your favorites (MapSettings.cfg) without jailbreaking. The directory to add the favorites is created once it has been installed. It is not placed in the main '' directory.

so thats it so far....enjoy your modified map...

special thanks to merih for this tutorial
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