DNX5260BTOP - Can't get Garmin Express to recognise a MicroS   

DNX5260BTOP - Can't get Garmin Express to recognise a MicroS

Postby GardoChris » Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:09 pm

Hi All,
I've been trying to get Garmin Express to recognise a new microSD card so that I can download map updates. But it's just not having it.
I checked the Kenwood site and for similar models it advised putting the card in the nav console and then going to Setting>Maps>Update and this would put a ID on the card the would allow it to be recognised by Garmin Express. Problem is I can't find these options anywhere on my device.
I even tried to buy the pre-programmed card from [Please Register or Login to download file] , but there's not option to actually make the purchase!
Any guidance would be great as this is driving me mad.
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Re: DNX5260BTOP - Can't get Garmin Express to recognise a Mi

Postby GarminNuvi » Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:58 pm

GardoChris wrote:Any guidance would be great as this is driving me mad.

Have you formatted the "New" card FAT 32? 8GB & to 32GB inclusive
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Re: DNX5260BTOP - Can't get Garmin Express to recognise a Mi

Postby GardoChris » Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:29 am

Hi Garmannuvi, yep I formatted per their instructions. Card is visible to the laptop, just not to Garmin Express. Do you know if the size limits are inclusive? The card I have is 32gb, but not sure if it has to be less than 32gb.
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Re: DNX5260BTOP - Can't get Garmin Express to recognise a Mi

Postby pishta » Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:21 pm

The card need to have some sort of Kenwood model signature on it in order for GE to see your model. ie. when I put mine in, it said DNX570 connected, or add device and then it saw it which was a relief as the DNX570HD is not even in the Kenwood site for software updates! In NAV screen, touch lower left corner of map and it will bring up apps/setting screen. hit setting/device/update map . It will ask you to install a blank SD card , hit OK and then it will tell you to remove the card ad put into GE on a Windows/Mac computer. No Linux! GE recognized my chip as a DNX570 and told me there are 3GB of updates! I downloaded them all. I repeated this 2 more times and I got more updates every time? It seems the 3.0GB maps are shown as an update every time you put the chip in but then it says no updates available. I tried installing every car but I only see about 6 of the 20 car icons and that is super slow to populate. I think my Hitachi memory chip onboard the GPS daughterboard is wonky as I get very random missing icons when I boot it half the time.
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