New SCDB POI (kml+icon) for NNG Android iGO Primo Nextgen 5.   

New SCDB POI (kml+icon) for NNG Android iGO Primo Nextgen 5.

Postby zozoek » Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:12 pm

Hello. It is a recurring issue that NNG cannot download the database of speed cameras for certain countries. That's what I was looking for. The easiest way is to download the desired data on the SCDB website ( [Please Register or Login to download file] ) for 9.95 euros in .kml format. Here you can choose which countries you want to download together. But how will this be displayed on Android devices? To do this, you need to slightly edit the header of the downloaded ****.kml file ( - scdb_ndrive.kml):

The original header in my case (notepad is suitable for this):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">

Here, the number six (6) is already the "name" of the first camera. This header must be expanded so that the speed camera can be displayed with any icon.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<metadata><igoicon><filename>netherlands speedcam.bmp</filename></igoicon></metadata>

You can see that it has been renamed to - netherlands -. The second extension is that a file with the same name - netherlands speedcam.bmp - has been named and accessed. I placed the ***.kml (netherlands speedcam.kml) file in the android/data/com.nng.igo.primong.igoworld/files/privdocs/InappShop/Mount/userdata/poi directory. I placed the ***.bmp (netherlands speedcam.bmp) file in the android/data/com.nng.igo.primong.igoworld/files/privdocs/InappShop/Mount/userdata/usericon directory. Thus, the ***.kml point in question appears with this icon during use, if... start iGO and tap on the map. You call up the drop-down menu on the right and click on the POI search around the cursor location. Here you get a long list, but you don't search in it, but you manually enter the number of the (first or any) camera in the current ***.kml file above. For me, this was, by definition, the sixth (6). The POI will then appear with the icon you selected. Then iGO adds the POI ***.kml file to its database and generates ***.kix, ***.kns and ***.kix_checksum files with the same name.
You must edit each ***.kml file in the same way if you want to use the same or a different icon - using a different ***.bmp.

I searched for and copied a 128X128 pixel icon ***.bmp file, because the base 48X48 (42X42?) is very small.
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