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newbie question about truck poi's UK

Tue May 05, 2015 7:54 pm

Evening all,

Just looking at updating my Dad's Sat Nav it one of the 7" Chinese units running IGO Primo looks like the version number is, with 128mb of RAM.

I've managed to drag and drop the new versions of the Poi & map files 2014 Q4 (all previous were 2013 Q3) my query being that there is a United_Kingdom_NQ_Truck_2013.Q1 file in the Poi folder as well and I wondered if this had to be updated to work with the new 2014 Q4 files which I found or if it would be fine with out update.

Also are there any other files I should look to update or will the system run fine without.

Many thanks

Re: newbie question about truck poi's UK

Wed May 06, 2015 8:52 pm

No, older POI's work with newer maps just fine.

Some requisites...

You will not get truck routing unless you have the .FTR file in the map folder AND you have selected Default Truck in the settings.

With POI's the "extended" file does not work on its own, you must have the "normal" file as well.

Re: newbie question about truck poi's UK

Thu May 07, 2015 6:51 pm

Thanks the reply,

I have the FTR file in the Map folder it the 2013 Q1 must have missed some of these before as there are 4 UK files including the new 2014 one,

2013.Q1 fda
2013.Q1 fsp
2014.Q4 fbl
2013.Q1 ftr

Should I keep the fda & fsp files as well. I shall have a look at the Truck default setting.


Re: newbie question about truck poi's UK

Thu May 07, 2015 7:13 pm

Yes, they all have their own function.
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