buonasera, scusate il disturbo, le mappe Italia 1100 devono essere ancora pubblicate?? Il tomtom One e' compatibile con tale mappa?? ringrazio in anticipo chi puo' aiutarmi. buona serata Gianni
Hello! Thanks in advance for the excellent work... I have downloaded the Iberia 1100.11657 map and I am not able to activate it. The error that appears to me is the following: [Please Register or Login to download file]
What kind of activation do you use? Does the meta.txt file contain this meta? 31 24 8A 83 27 98 F0 48 85 DC DC 19 4D 20 C0 56 France-103578.meta ; France 1100_11666
Yes this is right, I use fastactivate with the meta.txt file which contains the code: 31 24 8A 83 27 98 F0 48 85 CC CC 19 4D 20 C0 56 , but it doesn't work. I have the following message: incomplete MAP FRANCE-103578.meta => .dtc ERROR thanks.