pompidom wrote:That I understandbut why is the map posted if there is no meta
Because sometimes maps come from sources where creating a meta is not available

u4sillyme wrote:Hi there.....one quick question: What is the best North America, USA, USA & Mexico 850.2781 map to use with Navcore9.051.503855. When scrolling through the list it's hard to tell them apart. It says that all of the 850.2781 maps have ASR, ALG, IQ Routes, so what's the difference between the duplicate map types under each section besides size maybe?
PS (I still have not figured out exactly what I'm doing yet with updating my GPS, I've just been playing around)
u4sillyme wrote:Hi there.....one quick question: What is the best North America, USA, USA & Mexico 850.2781 map to use with Navcore9.051.503855. When scrolling through the list it's hard to tell them apart. It says that all of the 850.2781 maps have ASR, ALG, IQ Routes, so what's the difference between the duplicate map types under each section besides size maybe?
tendriver wrote:Yes, 850.2781 is the full feature version. Which map depends on your needs. North America covers US & Canada. The other 2 are self explanatory.
Popeye wrote:That was a typo and has been correct. There is no meta for this map yet.
tendriver wrote:Are you aware that NC 8.450 is an Asian navcore?
pompidom wrote:Can someone by the way tell me wich navcore the latest is and that i can use?....i have a go 630....thnxs
djc151084 wrote:Latest officiall for your device is v8.351 but I reccomend navcore 9.026 .cab along with the matching SE ttsystem altho 9.101 will work but i have not tested this enouff yet to reccomend it so use 9.026
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