nakamoniel wrote:I finally got my 2gb sd card for my xl unit. I was looking for 865 2gb usa / usacanada maps that have cspeech+asr+alg+iq routes ( i think 865.58/.3244/.3245/.3255/.3287/.3298 as i understood from ) BUT ANYWAYS for those 2 gb maps i only see meta files no actual maps, where do i download from?
nakamoniel wrote:Thanks a lot SUPER-MOD, mind a question though? why is there no map for US ONLY that has all four featres? I am just wondering. Thanks, that 1.766gb will work too. im downloading it right now, but still curious about why not have full featured map for usa only?
su_A_ve wrote:Couple of things...
1. The XL units do support SDHC cards if you use a later bootloader.
2. Regarding maps, the North American 865.3245 which just came out might fit if you don't add any POIs and limit the voices.
3. Best is to go with the 2GB maps like North American 2GB - hopefully someone will share it soon.
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