; North_America_2GB_885_4087
FD 0B 33 E7 3B 6C 2C 7F A4 33 3D 6D D8 A0 BC D8 North_America_2GB-512.meta
Tested and Working !
Thanks to the Original uploader !
jt98 wrote:1.I tried pasting the above text into meta file and run the FA1.8.8.3 (only option 2 to activate) from the root of the TT but it is not creating the 512.dct file in the maps folder. Please help. Thanks
jt98 wrote:Hey Tendriver,
I did the following steps:
1) Create a blank mymeta.txt file in the TT IM NA 2GB 4087 maps folder.
2) Copy FA and ttgo.bif file in the TT IM NA 2GB 4087 maps folder.
3) Run step 1 of the FA (downlaod meta file).
4) Run step 2 of FA (activate maps).
5) The *.dct files is created in the maps folder but when starting TT, change preferences, switch maps, cannot see the new maps seelction. Only the "USA_Canada_Mexico_P_4097" map selection is visible.
Am i missing any steps please advise
jt98 wrote:I am not that familiar with this method. Both the maps are on TT IM.
I will post the code in mymeta.txt file, rerun and report back. Thanks.
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