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Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:00 pm

[Please Register or Login to download file]
; China v875.3759
8C DB EC 55 31 AF B6 5D 40 00 46 73 92 74 B9 43 China-6.meta

[Please Register or Login to download file] OR
[Please Register or Login to download file]
; China v875.3761
8C DB EC 55 31 AF B6 5D 40 00 46 73 92 74 B9 43 China-6.meta [ENGLISH VERSION]

pw; navitotal

Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:21 am

hi popeye

when ever i try to download any of your 875 maps and get redirected to linksave it says wrong visitor password and i cannot download nothing please help


Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:10 am

fly481 wrote:hi popeye

when ever i try to download any of your 875 maps and get redirected to linksave it says wrong visitor password and i cannot download nothing please help


What map are you trying to download. TYPE do not cut and paste the password navitotal. If that does not work. Please PM.

Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:42 pm

fly481 wrote:hi popeye

when ever i try to download any of your 875 maps and get redirected to linksave it says wrong visitor password and i cannot download nothing please help


Scroll to the bottom of the LinkSave.in page until you see "The visitorpassword that you have entered is wrong" notice.
Below this notice, is a gray box titled Visitorpassword:. Type navitotal in the gray box & click enter. The download links will be at the bottom of the page that opens.

Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:44 pm

fly481 wrote:hi popeye

when ever i try to download any of your 875 maps and get redirected to linksave it says wrong visitor password and i cannot download nothing please help


Scroll to the bottom of the LinkSave.in page until you see "The visitorpassword that you have entered is wrong" notice.
Below this notice, is a gray box titled Visitorpassword:. Type navitotal in this gray box & click enter. The download link/links will be at the bottom of the page that opens.

Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:13 pm

thx for your help guys,

it worked.

Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:20 pm

fly481 wrote:thx for your help guys,

it worked.

The TT Team sez, "You are Welcome. Enjoy!!".

Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:54 pm

I'm trying to find the meta for Western_Europe_875_3669 - does anyone know where it is?

Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:00 pm

Is possible put future maps on my TomTom Via Live 120 EU ?
I saw somehere that because Linux SO, flash memory drive can't be detected by Windows/Mac.
One MyTomTom Application made by someone that could access Flash memory will be great.

Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:10 pm

Mansn wrote:I'm trying to find the meta for Western_Europe_875_3669 - does anyone know where it is?

This meta is not available anywhere on the internet, at this time. As always, Navitotal will post it, just as soon as it becomes available..

Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:19 pm

prodrigues wrote:1. Is possible put future maps on my TomTom Via Live 120 EU ?
I saw somehere that because Linux SO, flash memory drive can't be detected by Windows/Mac.
2. One MyTomTom Application made by someone that could access Flash memory will be great.

1. Yes, but only from TomTom using the new MyTomTom.
2. Numerous hackers have been working on this for many months with no success to date.

Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:50 pm

Hello all, I hope you are all well.
I followed the advice from the wise sages here and installed tomtom on my Foehn and Hirsch N30 and to my surprise it started. To my disappointment it said no maps found,
I soldiered on and installed the maps. When I tried to use TTCurrentConfig.exe it displayed this message.
Could someone please help me from this stall point.
Many thanks in advance
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Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:21 pm

Tomtom Navigator doesn't generate a TTGO.bif, TTGO.bak or a TTGO.ori, It only generates a TTNavigator.bif, It contains the same information though.

What version of Tomtom Navigator did you install? (7.450 or 7.910)
What map did you try to install?

Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:01 am

Anyone else have issues downloading 6275132g​.part02​.rar Part 2 file of North America 2GB 875.3613. Link doesn't seem valid. Other files are fine and I just need that ONE to unzip it.

Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:18 am

hapollo wrote:Part 2 file of North America 2GB 875.3613. Link doesn't seem valid

Please explain "Link doesn't seem valid". I just checked it & saw no problem.
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