Popeye wrote:[Please Register or Login to download file] [124MB]
; Australia_875_3670
5D BD 80 4B C6 9F 8B 52 91 60 96 DF C0 5D E1 79 Australia-420.meta
[Please Register or Login to download file] [125MB]
E6 4A F9 8A 12 89 43 FE C4 8C 22 B4 D4 9E 96 1D Brazil-420.meta
[Please Register or Login to download file] [274MB]
; Iberia_875_3670
F9 38 9D 2D BF 94 D5 50 96 5D 2C 0F 27 5B A7 FA Iberia-420.meta
[Please Register or Login to download file] [259MB]
27 33 20 DE CB FF 6A 21 3A A8 7D 4C 9C 7E 61 B1 Italia-420.meta
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; North_America_2GB_875_3668
BF 57 67 58 20 B0 DF A7 31 11 37 ED 43 27 52 1E North_America_2GB-418.meta
[Please Register or Login to download file] [177MB]
; Southeast_Asia_875_3668
A4 F5 F7 C0 7E 4A FA B1 F9 7A F2 CD 64 BA 28 DD Southeast_Asia-418.meta
[Please Register or Login to download file] [201MB]
; United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland_875_3670
5F 5C BC A1 FA 8D 5C 92 07 14 B8 7B A2 3B 85 EC United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland-420.meta
[Please Register or Login to download file] [1.61GB]
; Western Europe_875.3668
55 E1 8D DC AA 5B B0 53 4A AB C1 9B C6 F6 2A 0D Western_Europe-418.meta
pw; navitotal
Dark Mavis wrote:Having these maps available is just fantastic but if you get chance I did detect a small error.
The file New_Zealand_875_3671 when unzipped is this file New Zealand 875 3624.
Cheers guys & thanks for all your hard work
tendriver wrote:Below this notice, is a gray box titled Visitorpassword:. Type navitotal in the gray box & click enter. The multi-part download links will be at the bottom
of the page that opens. Use the single down pointing arrow under the word "Download" to download each part.
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