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Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:22 pm

doctrdf wrote:Hi! Is it possible that here
Western_and_Central_Europe_875_3615with Automatic Installer & Patcher
Part02 is missing? :confused:


you are correct, it appears to be missing. I will upload it again when I get home in about an hour.

Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:31 pm

ferral4 wrote:how do we download the maps trying for awhile now

Read posts 266 & 267 above.

Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:39 am

doctrdf wrote:Hi! Is it possible that here
Western_and_Central_Europe_875_3615with Automatic Installer & Patcher
Part02 is missing? :confused:

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:19 pm

Popeye wrote:[Please Register or Login to download file] [714MB] OR
[Please Register or Login to download file]
20 71 BF 57 F4 7F CF EB DC 4E 35 6F 3E AE 5F DC Europe_1GB_West-424.meta

Hi everyone, first time I'm trying to update.
I downloaded "Europe_1GB_West_875_3675 with Automatic Installer & Patcher" and tried to install it after removing the original map from the GPS with TomTom Home.
But when the installation is about 95% done it says write error because the device is full?
Isn't this map supposed to fit on my GPS with the configuration described below?
Do I need to delete anything else before installing? Or do I have to update the Navcore too or somthing else?

Info from running TTCurrentConfig.exe before installation:
         DeviceName=TomTom ONE
         DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v6)
         Not Found... 
         Not Found... 

Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:27 pm

GalileoNav wrote:Hi everyone, first time I'm trying to update.
I downloaded "Europe_1GB_West_875_3675 with Automatic Installer & Patcher" and tried to install it after removing the original map from the GPS with TomTom Home.
But when the installation is about 95% done it says write error because the device is full?
Isn't this map supposed to fit on my GPS with the configuration described below?
Do I need to delete anything else before installing? Or do I have to update the Navcore too or somthing else?

Info from running TTCurrentConfig.exe before installation:
         DeviceName=TomTom ONE
         DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v6)
         Not Found... 
         Not Found... 

1. We don't use TT Home for updating or removing navcores or maps. Cut & Paste is preferred.
2. You have the correct 875 map (714MB in size). The results from TTCurrentConfig.exe indicate there is still a WE 720 map on the device.
3. If you are sure the there is not a map on the device, right click on it's drive & see how much space is being used.

Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:40 am

Sorry, I found out I had not downloaded

Popeye wrote:[Please Register or Login to download file] [714MB] OR
[Please Register or Login to download file]
20 71 BF 57 F4 7F CF EB DC 4E 35 6F 3E AE 5F DC Europe_1GB_West-424.meta

Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:11 am

GalileoNav wrote:Ok, I restored the GPS from the backup again and deleted the "Western_Europe_1GB" maps folder manually instead, but with the exact same result.
1. Do I need to delete more than the maps folder?
2. Does the GPS needs to be rebboteds after deleting the original map and before installing the new one?
3. That's very stange because the original "Western_Europe_1GB" maps folder I deleted was 876 MB. But even after this there was still not enough room for the new map which is supposedly smaller.

The result was before I started deleting anything, it looked like this:
         DeviceName=TomTom ONE
         DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v6)
         Not Found... 
         Not Found...

But the funny thing is that after I deleted the maps folder and ran TTCurrentConfig.exe again, the result looked like this:
         DeviceName=TomTom ONE
         DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v6)
         Not Found... 
         Not Found... 

4. So it must still detect CurrentMapVersion=720.1802 even after the "Western_Europe_1GB" folder was deleted.
5. But the stange thing is the results was then repeted 4 times in a row in MyVersions.txt, not sure if this is some kind of bug in TTCurrentConfig.exe where it trys to run 4 times in a row ifd it can't find the maps folder.

Total flash size: 978 MB

Original installation:
Used: 913 MB
Free: 64.0 MB

After deleting the maps folder:
Used: 37.1 MB
Free: 940 MB

1. No
2. No
3. 714MB is the true map size. 876 MB is the map folder size with the added stuff associated with the Automatic Installer & Patcher version.
4. A new ttgo.bif file is created with the current setup everytime the device is booted/rebooted. After you deleted the map & ran TTCurrentConfig.exe, it was reading the uncorrected ttgo.bif.
5. Each time you run TTCurrentConfig.exe, it makes an entry in MyVersions.txt. If you don't delete the old MyVersions.txt, each new entry is put into the old .txt. Bottom line is: you ran TTCurrentConfig.exe 4 times with all of the entries going into the MyVersions.txt.

Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:20 am

Sorry, I had made a stupid mix up.
I had actually downloaded this:

[Please Register or Login to download file]
[1.02GB] OR
Western_Europe_1GB with Automatic Installer & Patcher

Instead of this:
[Please Register or Login to download file] [714MB] OR
[Please Register or Login to download file]

They are both "1GB" maps, so I tought they would both fit on a 1 GB device?

The original map was "Western_Europe_1GB", but the new version of this is too big [1.02GB]
So I guss I'll just have to install "Europe_1GB_West" instead.
According to the images above they both cover the same countries, so I don't know what the difference between "Western_Europe_1GB" and "Europe_1GB_West" is?

Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:59 am

GalileoNav wrote: The original map was "Western_Europe_1GB", but the new version of this is too big [1.02GB]
So I guss I'll just have to install "Europe_1GB_West" instead.
According to the images above they both cover the same countries, so I don't know what the difference between "Western_Europe_1GB" and "Europe_1GB_West" is?

"Western_Europe_1GB" is a standard map. "Europe_1GB_West" is a zone map. Read the link below.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:29 am

tendriver wrote:"Western_Europe_1GB" is a standard map. "Europe_1GB_West" is a zone map. Read the link below.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Edit: I have now installed Europe_1GB_West_875_3675 and it turns out Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland is not included in the map. So it turns out the map graphics in the original post is wrong.

Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:57 pm

GalileoNav wrote:

I have now installed Europe_1GB_West_875_3675 and it turns out Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland is not included in the map. So it turns out the map graphics in the original post is wrong.

Yep, we are aware that the pic is wrong. It will be corrected in the 880 thread, when the 880 maps are released next week,

Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:41 pm

tendriver wrote:Yep, we are aware that the pic is wrong. It will be corrected in the 880 thread, when the 880 maps are released next week,

Thanks, the Europe_East pic seems to be wrong too?
It's quite different from the TT Eastern zone map: [Please Register or Login to download file] [/QUOTE]

Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:45 pm

GalileoNav wrote:Thanks, the Europe_East pic seems to be wrong too?

Yep, we are aware that the pic is wrong. It will be corrected in the 880 thread, when the 880 maps are released next week,

Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:10 am

hi mate struggling to find this map. when you click the link and enter password and then go to filefactory and there is no file and it asks you to join. so i have to join to get the maps. would appreciated your help.could someone send me a wupload or fileserve link as i am having no success with linksafe. been trying for the last 2 hours. making me bonkers right now. please help. so far i have managed to download speed camereas , tomtom 7 navigator, fast active. all i need is the maps and then hopefully i can call einstien to help me to install this on binatone b430 uk
nevermind just figured it out. time to call einstien. nevermind just figured it out. time to call einstien. any help is welcomed

Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:22 am

whatever76 wrote:hi mate struggling to find this map. when you click the link and enter password and then go to filefactory and there is no file and it asks you to join. so i have to join to get the maps. would appreciated your help.could someone send me a wupload or fileserve link as i am having no success with linksafe. been trying for the last 2 hours. making me bonkers right now. please help. so far i have managed to download speed camereas , tomtom 7 navigator, fast active. all i need is the maps and then hopefully i can call einstien to help me to install this on binatone b430 uk
nevermind just figured it out. time to call einstien. any help is welcomed

Any help from you would also be welcomed, like what device, what navcore, what current map, & what map is desired.
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