juliantsin wrote:updated to latest map, I found some fixed camera in Melbourne would not warn any more, does anyone have same experience?
Downunder35m wrote:The cams are not related to the map you use, only to the cam version you install.
And yes, TT has messed up the cams lately, if you have an older version that worked well in your area than use it ;)
tendriver wrote:Changing maps should not have any affect on the speedcams, since they are an add-on & not part of the map. If you have the speedcam ov2 & ov2.dct files in the 4438 map folder & have set the warnings in the device's Main Menu, you have done all that you can do.
@ Downunder. Rats, you beat me. You were posting while I was 2 finger typing. At least, we gave the same answer!!
tendriver wrote:Are you using the exact same AU speedcam ov2 version in both maps?
Downunder35m wrote:I guess that has to do with the "improvements" TT mentioned at some stage in regards to the cams.
People were always complaining that they warn in both direction even if there is only one dirction monitored.
In the old days the cams only checked a well defined area around the location of the cam - so no matter where you drive if you got close to a cam you got warned, if if the cam was mounted under a bridge and you drive on top of it.
Since a few editions (map!) back the cams started acting weird.
I first noticed that a spot that never had a cam but always warned about one, all of a sudden only warned me on the way home - the side of road where the cam supposed to be.
For other places the cams are either gone completely or the directions are messed up.
There are several red light/speed cams in the Mel city area that are now completely bogus!
Since the 890 maps I tried 5 or 6 Emails to the TT support pointing on some cams I noticed to be wrong now and always got the same automated answer :(
Seems to be a similar problem with the truck specific features in the EU truck map, the same errors are carried by TT again and again, making you wonder how they get the wrong data in the first place and why we have a report function :(
And yes, with the new maps the dirctions for cams and warnings are even messier than before but I don't know how to solve it.
For my next longer journey I will try the old cams that I still have in the backup of my 855 map.
tendriver wrote:What model TT & what navcore are we working with? I using 9.430 with a 4438 map & don't have any of these issues.
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