Attila7 wrote:Where can I find the chart showing which 980 series maps are compatible with which devices?
bondyz99 wrote:I have Australia Map v975.7687 for TomTom XXL IQ Routes Edition. What is the equivalent v980 Map for this one?
I can see it listed but does not make sense on the opposite side.
I.e. Left side reads 4 versions of v975 maps but on the opposite side only 3 equivalent map v980 maps shown. The one I have seems not to have an equivalent v980 map shown.
975.7685/975.7686/975.7687/976.7816-------->980.7895/980.7896/980.7897. which one this side is the v980 equivalent to v975.7687 ?
bondyz99 wrote:
Australia 980.7897
Orni wrote:If you want, I'll put mine.
tendriver wrote:Orni wrote:If you want, I'll put mine.
Thanx for the offer. Ours are finally up.
Attila7 wrote:1. I am seeing a trend towards more localized maps. I guessing this is due to size limitations on many devices?
2. Are there still very large maps that include everything?
3. The maps I am looking for are Canada, USA and Mexico, if I have 2 Canada and 4 USA regional maps will a route be calculated that jumps from map to map?
4. As I have a card slot in my unit I have always looked for the biggest maps I could find but that way of thinking doesn't seem to be working so well any longer?
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