Is there a fast way to find the latest Benelux map for carminat (NC 8.842) that supports ALG & IQ Routes that has a meta code ?
lowrider2025 wrote:Is there a fast way to find the latest Benelux map for carminat (NC 8.842) that supports ALG & IQ Routes that has a meta code ?
fredderf wrote:The fastest way is to do little to no research yourself and just ask someone else to do it for you.
The Carminat maps are 970.7467 so have a look through the available meta codes and see if you can find one that suits your needs.
A stand alone Benelux Carminat meta is not available but Europe and Europe Zones 970.7467 are there.
lowrider2025 wrote:It would be better if all map matrices were available as an excel sheet so people could search it for what they need, order the rows/colums the way they want (funtionality(cspeech,alg,iq routes) vs chronologically) etc...
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