Mio Spirit 480 Unlock   

Mio Spirit 480 Unlock

Postby mike_abc » Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:19 pm


I just wanted to share my experience after trying to install VisualGPS on my brand new Spirit 480, especially since Internet references to Spirit 480 are scarce at this time.

So I installed VisualGPS on my device. Some things worked, but mainly I got script errors or nothing happened at all. One app froze my device.

After some fiddling around, I decided to give up VisualGPS as a shell, but, based on Lanik's instructions, I managed to make my device boot into TotalCommander !

Well, and from here you can launch the apps that VisualGPS provides. Hopefully I will also be able to install other apps, too. You can of course launch the original Mio app (SmartST_CE.exe) by double-clicking it in Total Commander.

For those who want to know how you can do it, here it is:

1. Install VisualGPS as per Lanik's instructions ([Please Register or Login to download file] ), preferably in Flash.

2. Copy Total Commander in MyFlash\Program Files\Navman\SmartST_CE so as to have a Total Commander Folder ( I think the "original folder" can be referenced directly, but I didn't try it for the moment)

3. Change appstartupsec.ini as follows:

ProcessFile=Total Commander\cecmd.exe

4. Delete "unnecessary" script folders and files in VisualGPS, but keep the programs you like.

Now you can launch any app in TC by double-clicking it, as you do in any Windows.

A big thank you to Dalibor Lanik and hopefully we'll figure out soon how to make VisualGPS work with the Spirit 480. Until such time,


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Postby dalanik » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:32 am

Hopefuly it will be solved - I can't cause I don't have CE6 device. I read somewhere that it is solved by copying toolhelp.dll file in windows or windows system folder... If anyone can try, and let us know what exactly needs to be done and if this works at all,....

file is available here:
[Please Register or Login to download file]
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Postby mike_abc » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:38 pm

I should also add that a good part of yesterday I tried to install iGO8 - with no positive result. The installation software crashes almost instantly. In the beginning, I thought it's because of the screen resolution (272x480 or 480x272), but even when such resolution was listed in the iGO kit, the same thing happened. It might also be because of the limited ammount of memory available to iGO. Who knows ?

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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:57 pm

mike_abc wrote:The installation software crashes

Installation software? You don't need to "install" iGO (or Primo). Just copy it somewhere--SD Card or Flash Memory (if you have the room). Perhaps you were trying some old package for a PDA?
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Postby mike_abc » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:13 pm

Yeah, my mistake, supposedly it was iGO itself. It better HAD an installation software, then it would have worked better ! It also generates a "crash.txt" file which was unusable for me (I understand it's mainly for the iGO developers). No, no old PDA version, being iGO 8.3.4, it's quite a new version, I suppose :-).
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:16 pm

Did you first edit sys.txt with settings suitable for your device?
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Postby mike_abc » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:42 pm

I think I did - I tried to set maximum_x and y to my device's values, and i also tried autoconfig=1, which should be the best configuration setup of sys.txt :-). I used version 8.3.2.... which had 272 x 480 in data.zip (some earlier one, 8.0.0, didn't). I actually know nothing about the crash reason - iGO displays a bluish startup screen with skyscrapers, then the navigator resets.
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Postby dalanik » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:09 pm

Try with empty sys.txt or minimal sys.txt. If you have standard device (480x272) iGO works quite well without any settings. YOu probably don't have all required content or bad data.zip
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:33 pm

mike_abc wrote:I think I did -

dalanik wrote:Try with empty sys.txt or minimal sys.txt.

Good advice. Get this--it may come in handy:

And start a new file with Display Resolution and GPS settings (if known) only. You can always fine tune later if required.
Also, if there is a Save folder under the main iGO folder, delete it before the next startup attempt.

dalanik wrote:YOu probably don't have all required content

You need at least one map file to start with, along with a language file and a few other basic things. Where you got the version you have from could be significant as far as what was included or not.
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Postby mike_abc » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:05 pm

I have all European Maps, and "lots" of other content. My source is OK - AFAIK. I'll try with an empty sys.txt, and THEN I'll try another package, just to make sure. If things work out, I'll post the feedback.
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Postby mike_abc » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:33 pm

I changed various flavors of sys.txt with no result (empty, minimal, autoconfig=1). Now I tried one with screen_x=480, screen_y=272 (it's a landscape display) and the thingy says: Failed to open file: igo\480_272\loading.bmp exiting application. I'll try a "no_landscape" alternative.
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:45 pm

Pretty much all GPS devices are Landscape display (some PDA'a and Smartphones excepted). That is not your problem.

mike_abc wrote:Failed to open file: igo\480_272\loading.bmp exiting application.

This indicates one of a few things:
1) Your data.zip is messed up
2) Your Branding.zip is messed up
3) You ran out of memory--either due to some other fault in files, or something huge is running in the background.
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Postby mike_abc » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:21 am

i don't know if memory is a problem. I have the following data from Resinfo.exe:

Program memory 19.3 MB used / 99.9 MB free.
Storage memory 320 kB used / 468 kB free.
Flash Disk 1.38 GB free.
Storage Card 2.06 GB free (it's a 4GB SD Card).

Tasks running: Total Commander, AppStartupSec (it would be great to get rid of AppStartupSec and boot directly into FileExplorer or whatever the Windows CE desktop is called, but I think I should edit the registry to do that & maybe add some more files :-(
Am I right ?!..

Processes: NK.exe, udevice.exe, servicesd.exe (it says 6 processes (including the tasks above, that is), 94 threads).

The system is Windows Embedded CE 6.0
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Postby Fatboyfun » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:30 am

AppStartupSec.exe is responsible for some device drivers like USB connection, so don't replace it.
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Postby mike_abc » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:59 am

Isn't there a setting in sys.txt to make iGO startup more "verbose" ? I see that there's a [Debug] section in sys.txt.
Couldn't we use that to get more clues ? But then, if it existed, I suppose ev'body would've known & told me about it...

Second question: are the iGO versions with the 2577 folder working only w/ Windows Mobile ?
I see there are versions w/ and wo/ the 2577 folder.
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