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MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:12 am

This unlock package started life as the very first creation by Xtyler92 (Simple Unlock) and ended up looking alot more like MioPocket 2.0 (script-wise).

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Unlike MioPocket 2.0, which caters for almost every person & every GPS navigation unit on the market by including a large number of programs and scripts, MioPocket Lite is geared towards the person who wants their GPS unit unlocked and only the bare minimum of programs included. In other words, MioPocket Lite is a minimalist approach to unlocking Mio C series GPS navigation units and is more of a starting platform for people to configure their unlock package to suit their own needs.

MioPocket Lite fully supports Mio C320, C520 & C720 navigation units but it may work on other Mio (Moov) & NavMan units with 480x272 resolution.


The main features of MioPocket Lite are:

1. MioPocket Lite can be installed either as an SD-Card installation (runs from the SD card), SD-Free (runs from the flash drive) or SD-WiFi (runs from the SD card but WiFi related files are transferred to the flash drive to facilitate the use of WiFi SD cards). MioPocket Lite doesn't rename any files on your GPS which means a hard-reset will put your GPS back to factory specs.

2. MioPocket Lite supports the use of SD WiFi cards by transferring the necessary system files to your internal flash drive so you can remove the SD card that MioPocket Lite is installed on. These system files are only installed to your flash drive if you indicate during configuration that you will be using an SD WiFi card.

3. There is no need to manually transfer the correct SD WiFi registry file to the custom registry folder as this is done during the configuration process when installing MioPocket Lite.

4. If you perform a hard-reset and re-install MioPocket Lite and opt not to use an SD WiFi card, MioPocket Lite will automatically delete any system files transferred to your internal flash drive & the custom registry folder from a previous installation.

5. Internet Explorer, Opera & the nPOPuk email client are automatically transferred to your internal flash drive if you indicate that you intend using an SD WiFi card during the installion/configuration process.

6. The toolbar at the bottom of the MioPocket Lite page gives you access to features & applications including all the standard applications of the Mio menu, common settings utilities like Mio settings, Control Panel, Regedit, Windows Explorer etc., and a portal to Windows CE for people who either prefer a hands-on approach with the operating system or who will be using an SD WiFi card.

7. Windows CE's standard colours, wallpaper & startup sound have been customized for a more aesthetically pleasing experience. The startup sound is set to Windows Vista by default but XP's startup sound is also included. Additional wallpapers are also included.

8. There are a small number of other programs and utilities including WordPad, HPC Media Player, Calc98 and a dozen other small utilities accessed via the Windows CE start menu.

9. MioPocket Lite now supports add-on modules which enhances MioPocket Lite by giving it a new look (skin) and additional utilities & games. You can download these modules seperately and install them either before or after MioPocket Lite has been installed.

Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:59 am

i have nextar v5 gps device, it uses igo 09 map
i can't unlock it or activate the maps that i have

Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:50 pm

Lite information: [Please Register or Login to download file]

Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:22 am

hi guys I have a problem running this on my mio moov 360..after i transferred all files and after first boot of GPS, an error appreas says Quicklunch icon is missing. when i checked most of files under MioAutorun folder are gone..this happens all the time after first boot of gps...thanks

Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:47 am

benj8 wrote:hi guys I have a problem running this on my mio moov 360..after i transferred all files and after first boot of GPS, an error appreas says Quicklunch icon is missing. when i checked most of files under MioAutorun folder are gone..this happens all the time after first boot of gps...thanks

Instead of running MioPocket, have you thought about this

Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:18 am

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Post #1 has the info.
Last edited by chas521 on Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:44 am

sorry deat link thank's anyway:pray:

Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:19 pm

medska wrote:sorry deat link thank's anyway:pray:

Link in post #6 NOT dead at all.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:06 pm

hi chas
have u got the miopocket lite for 320x240 & if so could u plse upload it. [1 of the links works only 4 the 480x272]
thku catsmokey

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:53 pm

Sorry, didn't see the post. I assume that your device is a Mio. Instead of MioPocket Lite, how about another Mio unlock? What device do you have?

I think that this is MP Lite for 320_240
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Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:16 am

hi chas
thks ~ i have a Viamichelin x980 that runs ur primo1.1 like a dream.
a neighbour has asked me to unlock his nav-cam 6220 [64mb 320x240 mobilenavigator device]; it is not as easy as the viamichelin to unlock; his current program runs from the flash drive & i'm having trouble getting primo to run from the sd card [i hacked into it & got primo to run but it keeps getting memory problems & crashes.] i'm also looking at FBF unlock for mobilenavigator devices to see what will be best/easiest for me to use unlocking it.
thks again & all the best

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:19 pm

Probably best to forget Primo and run iGO8 instead - less memory required.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:44 pm

Check the system memory division

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:14 pm

I have a navigon 2100 here, does miopocked or mio igo work on this gps?
Is there anything i can do to work with this old gps?

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:22 pm

Make a backup first of the internal disk. Try putting iGO8 on the SD card. You may have to rename the .exe to your device's program .exe.
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