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Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:30 pm

But which one should i use, I done done backups of the program itself, into a safe place. Which unlock should i use the miopocket the normal mio unlock to fully use the igo8 or what? can you give me a link either here or via pm please?
I don't have a CD to do a hard reset on this gps since it isnt mine either and the person told me try doing that if it doesnt work out then its going to the garbish so, theres not much to do here besides installing a miopocked or mio unlock from the other thread.
Thanks for the help and let me know which one should i instal and the steps for it, since i have done the same for a 680 spirit.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:35 pm

Go to the iGO section sub-section programs and download my iGO8 program. You may not need to unlock the device if you change the .exe name.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:39 pm

I am and the links for igo8 are all down [Please Register or Login to download file] if by showing the link goes agaisnt the rules i re-edit it needed.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:43 pm

I got it now, downloading the full package of the igo8.
So i removed everything inside of the Navigon 2100. Theres nothing there, So all i need is to transfer the igo8 pack to the gps, and put some maps and everything will work without the gps needed to be unlocked/cracked?
If it does which crack should i get to do it, If you're willing to help me!

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:51 pm

You deleted everything from the device's internal? I hope there's no problem doing that. Connect your device to the computer via the USB cable and see if your computer still recognizes the device. That's why I told you to put the program on a SD card.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:53 pm

bROLLY wrote:I am and the links for igo8 are all down [Please Register or Login to download file] if by showing the link goes agaisnt the rules i re-edit it needed.

What is this? It's not mine! I told you where to get MY program.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:58 pm

The GPS has a SD card but the gps itself doesnt do anything with the SD card. and it has only 900mbs arround that, Other than that i dont think i have access to the SD card while having the GPS connected to the computed and yes i have delected everything and copy past everything back to the gps and worked fine.

Would the SD card have a name like New Folder?

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:00 am

If I understand you correctly, your computer still recognized the device even after you deleted all the files/folders from it?

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:03 am

Post the contents of the internal drive.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:18 am

Here [Please Register or Login to download file]

The foulder does not belong there i guess.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:21 pm

I'm only guessing here because the files/folders that you are showing here are unknown to me since they are necessary to your particular device which I don't have nor is it in front of me. I have no idea what Nova Pasta is so I would leave it alone. I'm pretty sure that the MN6 folder is your program file. Open it up and look for the name of the .exe file. Since you have the MN6 folder already backed up delete the folder from the disk. Copy my program to a folder which you will name MN6 and re-name the igo8.exe to whatever the .exe was named in the original MN6 folder.

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:16 am

hi chas,
do you have working download for this?

thanks mate,

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:43 pm

kukuk10 wrote:hi chas,
do you have working download for this?

thanks mate,

Here are two:
[Please Register or Login to download file]

BTW, what device are you talking about?

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:52 am

Can someone add new links. I have Mio C520 and the links are dead!

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:43 pm

ShinyPet wrote:Can someone add new links. I have Mio C520 and the links are dead!

This is the unlock you want for the C520. post145285.html#p145285
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