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Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:28 pm

Hi I know this is a very old thread but this seems to be where to ask? I have a Chinese 7" kkmoon GPS with win CE6. I would like to unlock it and run the newest or what you guys think is the best ver of igo I can. How would you go about this? Any links to the apps and maps would be great. The GPS has 128meg mem and 4gb internal storage. I have added a 8gb sd card and it has a 800 by 480 screen. Thanks

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Sat Mar 26, 2016 11:37 pm

Yo anyone out there? Any clues as to how to unlock CE6 on this tablet?
The thing that really gets me is that I was downloading the map files but the internet dropped out for about one sec and Ive never been able to retrace my steps and find the download again. From the best I can tell for the best igo I need the igo 8 app and the US map file. I found the app but not the map. Ill keep looking but a link would help. Every link Ive found is dead or not working or working as a infolink? :017:

Re: MioPocket Lite (Unlock for WinCE based devices)

Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:05 am

ççoook teşşşekkur
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