Thanks guys but reading the thread that nabi suggested me, I realized that I'm not sure how to check if TMC works or not.
I downloaded GPSScan ( and it gives some results (GPS found,COM 2,4800,NMEA) but nothing about TMC.
I didn't get anything from TMC-Scan. I need some advice to understand how it works.
I used MixserTester to test some port/baud combinations.
From log files:
Port COM 2 and COM 8 have strings starting with $GPGGA, $GPRMC,$GPGSA,$GPGSV.
Port COM 5, empty files.
Port COM 1 , six not readable bytes.
Can I use MixserTester to check if TMC works?
What should I see on log files?
Do you know the function of button "ident"?
I'm using the default skin. Should I use another one to better understand if TMC is working or not?
Sorry for so many questions.