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Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:05 pm

No, not by this information. Let me explain.

You quote from the crash text that is created. That crash text rarely tells us anything because it is there for the NavNGo programmers. Hence that map file it refers to. That is not a country map (extension .fbl, located in the content/map folder) but is an error file called "map". Cracked programs don't make that file on crash, this the first lines in every crash txt look exactly like yours. The following lines then give information on what maps etc are loaded. What could be interesting could be the memory available and used and that info is also in the crash.txt, but you don't quote it.

What is the most interesting for us is the error message that is displayed on screen when Primo crashes. Though not all errors have a simple solution.

So in short. Everything worked at first. Then you added a POI file, nothing else, then a crash?
When you remove the POI, what happens? No crash, then the POI file is to blame. A crash? Then what is the error message?

A possible cause: the s30 has 32MB. Did you install iGO? or Primo that is more memory hungry?

Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:29 pm

i used igo8. the lighter version for 32 mb. no error message after loading the app i turns to the blue screen! thats all

Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:39 pm

But only with the POI file loaded? And without?
And when you only load one map and nothing else?

Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:49 pm

ok i started from zero without the poi , only the map file and this time i copied the igo folder on the device and it does the same thing . loads the app and when is done it retuns to the blue screen.

Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:51 pm

if u want i can upload a video file!

Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:09 pm

The S30 is a pain, i asked in the other thread for you to clarify which procedure you're following.

Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:21 pm

Gone try this,thx For sharing

Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:03 am

I was trying to unlock the rar file (yea did this previously so many times) and the password has no https:// in the front. may want to correct that fatboy. :033:

Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:21 am

I thought I did? Oh well I'll do it again in a bit...

Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:21 am

Hello friends,
I'd already tried several of the idvises given at this forum, but still' my powerbutton doesnt work.
I will be greate if some can answer my post.
Some technical details before I ask my question:
I have mio moov s555 and since i wanted to use IGO primo 2.4 I'd used your
unlock application 'VisualGPS'. But, after i installed VisualGPS & IGO primo 2.4
the power button stopped working.Every time I pressed it the screen would become black but the IGO was still running and when I press again on power button, i returned
to the last point I "left" IGO.Can you please advise me how can I fix this?(I spent many hours on web sites and still did not solve it!)I'll really appreciate your help'
Thank you in advance,

Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:29 am

uziel.b wrote:Every time I pressed it the screen would become black but the IGO was still running and when I press again on power button, i returned
to the last point I "left" IGO.

Sounds like it's suspended, press and hold to turn it completely off.

Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:51 pm

Hi again,

Let me explain again. On & off button acts in the same way. When I switch to off button, screen shut down.Then, when I switch to on button, I return to last screen I left.(like the GPS screen was freezed and not turned off at all)

Any idea what's the solution?


Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:57 pm

That's normal behaviour for wince, what you're describing is called suspend, where wince is "frozen" while the device is off.

You will find that mio software hooks into the power button and does it's own non-standard thing.

Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Thu May 14, 2015 5:03 am

Hi, thanks for this great tutorial, I've tried both igo8 and primo on the Mio M300 and they both work fine. The only problem is that i can't get a GPS signal with both of em, with the original software i get no problem at all? I'm from Holland, can someone please help me out?


Re: Run iGO Primo 2.0 on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some

Thu May 14, 2015 8:24 am

Check the GPS settings in the sys.txt
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