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Run Tomtom on Mio Moov and Navman S series (and some F serie

Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:09 pm

Read the guide first to familiarize yourself with the procedure before attempting anything!

Known Issues.
In some regions the Mio Spirit is branded as a Mio Moov Spirit or a Mio Moov S Series, This has WinCE 6 installed, which Tomtom does not run under, If you have SmartST_CE software you are OK, If you have Spirit software use iGO Primo instead!

Want to install iGO Primo as well, Click here!

Please note that for security reasons some links are hidden until the 'thanks' button below is pressed!

See 'Frequently Asked Questions' below if you're having problems!

If you unlocked your device by using another method then start from step #4

1, Connect your device to your PC with a USB cable Device will take a few moments to establish a connection
Browse your device with Windows explorer on your PC and copy everything to a safe location, Don't disconnect yet

2, Download this [Please Register or Login to download file] and extract to your PC and run Setup.exe, then click Install Desktop
[Please Register or Login to download file]

3, Now you need to safely remove the device How to do this depends on your version of Windows but usually it's done by clicking the icon in the tray, or right clicking the icon in My Computer
Your device will now reboot to a blue desktop with a start button at the top and a Smart ST icon, Tapping this icon loads the original software

4, Now you need to download Tomtom...
Hidden text: ON
[Please Register or Login to download file]
(Passwords: navitotal)
And then download FastActivate
And then go here and download your maps (And latest postcodes if needed) be aware that on some devices you only have 2GB of storage space, and some of that will be taken up already
Also go here for speed cameras if required.

5, Reconnect your device and copy the Navigator folder to the root of your device or SD card
Also copy FastActivate.exe, your map folder and, if needed, the Zip folder as well, copy any speed camera files into the map folder.


6, Disconnect your device

7, Using FileManCE in the Start menu on your device, Navigate to Tomtom Navigator.exe and run it
Tomtom will start and complain in French about not being able to use the maps

8, Reconnect your device to your PC and run FastActivate.exe and wait until it's finished, You only need to click the Maps/Voices/Speedcams button!

9, Disconnect your device again

10, Start Tomtom again the same way as before, and set up everything according to your preferences
For the GPS settings use...
Other NMEA Receiver
Baud: 4800

Or COM:2 if SirfNavDrv isn't available


Frequently Asked Questions...

How do i change the language?
Go to page six of the settings and tap the icon of some flags, Select your desired language from the list.

How do i set the clock?
The clock, and thus the arrival time in most circumstances will always be wrong, just go to status bar preferences and turn them off, If you run another GPS app first the clock is right, I think Tomtom uses whatever time is in the GPS receiver (Not the system time) when it starts and doesn't update it.

Why does it crash with a 'not enough memory' error?
Tomtom will crash with an out of memory error at first satellite lock and when you change the name of the map folder, It will be OK the next time.

Why does it say 'Tomtom Navigator.exe is not a valid Windows CE application'?
This is common on lower spec devices!
Hidden text: ON
[Please Register or Login to download file]
Completely replace the navigator folder with this one. (Password: navitotal)
NOTE: You will have to re-patch your maps/speedcams!
Or you can install iGO 8 from here instead (Link at top of page)

Why does Tomtom say 'You cannot use this map on this device'?
Look for the presence of a {map version}.meta.dct in the map folder, If it's not there then map activation has failed, Is your device connected via Activesync/WMDC?
If it is there then check for the presence of ttgo.bif and ttgo.ori, These are related to the mapshare hack and may interfere with map activation, delete them and try again.
Otherwise check that the map is compatible with Tomtom Navigator.

Why does it say 'No GPS device' even though i set it up like the instructions said?
On some devices starting the original software to set the backlight to maximum locks out the GPS hardware from other software, Find the file Autorun.mscr and either delete it, or edit out the commands to Run, WaitFor and Kill. Please note that the backlight will not be as bright as it was!

Why does it say 'Poor GPS signal'? I set up the GPS as instructed, but it doesn't lock onto the satellites.
In some regions you may need to use 57600 instead of 4800 as the baud rate, possibly these devices have different GPS hardware for some reason.

Why doesn't Tomtom remember any settings i change?
Tomtom Navigator caches all the disk writes and will save them periodically, If you switch off the device these settings are lost. So use the exit option on page three of the main menu after setting everything up to force Tomtom to save the settings to disk, otherwise you'll have to do them again and again and again!

How do i get a shortcut on the desktop?
Open notepad on your PC and type...
"\My Flash Disk\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe" Which is the path to the executable on your device within quotes, If you're installing on to a memory card the path will start \Storage Card\
Count all the characters 47 in the above example
Arrange the text like this...
47#"\My Flash Disk\Navigator\Tomtom Navigator.exe"
Save the file as...
Tomtom.lnk That's LiNK not INK
Make sure it's Tomtom.lnk and not Tomtom.lnk.txt
Your PC will hide .lnk so you'll just have an icon called Tomtom
If Tomtom is installed on a SD card, Substitute Storage Card for My Flash Disk.
Copy this file to the...
Program Files\Unlock\Desktop folder to have it on your desktop OR Program Files\Unlock\Programs to have it in the Start menu.
Sometimes the Desktop and Programs folders are in the drive root!
Or you can use this

How do i make Tomtom start automatically?
Make a shortcut as explained in How do i get a shortcut on the desktop?
Rename Tomtom.lnk to Autorun.lnk and copy it to the Unlock folder and Tomtom will autostart when the device is rebooted, When you exit Tomtom the desktop appears.

How do i stop the debug window popping up after a few minutes?
Find the file Autorun.reg at \Program Files\Unlock
Open it with Notepad, Don't double click the icon though
Copy and paste this text to the end of the file...


Save file, Reboot your device, Problem solved!

Why can't i turn off the device like i used to?
On some Mio/Navman devices the power button is not a hardware power button, Just a normal button that when pressed asks the original software to suspend the device, It does it this way so the software can complete disk operations before suspending...
The little app below just monitors the hardware buttons and runs commands based on what is in the PowerButton.ini script
Link TBC
Copy the files from the archive and place into the unlock folder on your device
Boot your device to the desktop
Open FileManCE or other file explorer on your device
Run PowerButtonTest.exe
Tap or slide the switch to off (suspend)
A dialog box should appear with a number in it
Note the number and add the line...
****=off the bottom of PowerButton.ini
Add PowerButton.exe into the Autorun.mscr script
Run (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\"PowerButton.exe")

Can i use Mapshare?
1, Make a copy of TTNAVIGATOR.BIF and rename it to TTGO.ORI and place it in the root of the drive where Tomtom is installed
2, Download and copy these files to the same root directory 4107
3, Rename your map folder to Map
4, Start Tomtom, NOTE: As the map folder has changed Tomtom will crash!
5, Download and install Tomtom Home
6, Connect your device to the PC when Tomtom Home is open, wait for the connection to be established, NOTE: The device will show as a Tomtom One
7, Click Update my device, You don't need to login so click Don't login now
8, Wait for the updates to be retrieved, As Tomtom Home thinks it's a Tomtom One it will offer updates for it, Unselect everything except Mapshare Updates
9, Click Update and wait, Disconnect when done

Can i use celebrity voices?
Yes, Some need activating and some don't, for best results, only copy the voices that need activating into the Voices folder first, run FastActivate again, then copy in the voices that do not need activating afterwards.
Some non activated voices have number id's that match activated voices, FastActivate will generate a .dct for these and they won't work.

Can i use TTS, ALG, IQ Routes, Truck maps or a V8/9 navcore?

Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:51 pm

FatboyFun as I understand this unlock MIO_MOOV_UNLOCK it's a Navman unlock.
Before 1 year I saw the unlock that you recommend here:
[Please Register or Login to download file]

I had 5 mio and now I have only 3 mio, two of them are frozen while I am useing this unlock.

My mio moov 500 start with the black screen.
My mio Navman 575 freeze at orange screen.
I try everthing that i found here at and at

In my opinion I don't recommend this unlock besause the unlock uses directly the flash drive and no the SD drive.

On the other hand I am so dissapointed from mio because mio lock the devices and if something happend (if you unlock the device) they said that you hack the device and you don;t have quaranttie.

For those who have mio devices I strongly recommend to be becareful, try to unlock in a SD card and not directly to the flash.


For those who don;t have MIO and want to buy a MIO gps I strongly recommend to buy another device (except if they will using only mio software and they don;t unlock the device).:dance_mini::dance_mini:

Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:23 pm

Strange, I've personally used this unlock on dozens of various Navman and Mio devices and never had a problem? But the amount of private messages I get about Miopocket and other SD card unlocks is unbelievable.

The device with a black screen might be a ROM/hardware issue as the orange screen is displayed before AppStartupSec is loaded.

Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:44 pm

My mio 575 freeze at orange screen.
I use the Mio_Moov_unlock and started after 3 months with the following message :
"Smart_CE could not be found".
I don't fix this message and suddently one day I turn it on and I see the black screen with the photo of USB connection while gps is not connected to my PC.
I made a hard reset and after that I see only the orange screen.

As I read through forums I found that :

I found that something fault had read bios mio and now freeze.
I don't know if the problem is from the device or from unlock.
In the future I will try to by a device (like chiness) which can run directly windows.

You are right that miopocket unlock is too complicate and with a lot of problems.
Maybe I will give a try to visual unlock
[Please Register or Login to download file]
in the future (unlock directly to SD card).

Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:59 pm

On a Mio Moov the Visual unlock unlocks the device the same way as the unlock in post one, by editing AppStartupSec.ini

I don't think the problem is with the unlock, Try the pin 9 trick, if it's not a hardware issue you should get to the blue upgrade screen.

Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:39 pm

I try the trick with pin 9 but then mio 575 makes reset.
When I target pin 18 and pin 14 I think (I am not sure because the pins are too small to push them with a wire) I have got the message
"Fatal error application cause an illegal..... "

I had put in a SD card the file SEEKER_T500_LEOPARD and inside the file auto.exe .

Do you think that is harware problem?
Also if the problem is from Rom or from bios I think is too difficult to make it work again.

Thanks a lot for your advices FatboyFun.

Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:51 pm

The device that only has a black screen could be a hardware failure or a corrupted ROM, A reflash may fix it.

The device that stops at the orange screen is usually a AppStartupSec.exe problem, but also could be a corrupted ROM

Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:56 pm

First of all I have never made anything to Flash disk and I have never rename or change any path at appstart or mio application.

Just I use the mio_Moov_unlock and I write some shortcut to the file
Programs/unlock/desktop as the block-forum of Navman said.

Lets try help me to fix mio 575 that freeze at orange screen.

I try all this methods:
1. I charge the baterry full and I make quik on-off.
2. I left the baterry to be completly empty and I make quik on-off while I connect mio 575 with USB and PC.
3. I try with a SD card 8 GB and I put inside the following:
Storage card/SEEKER_T500_LEOPARD/Auto.exe , Auto.mscr, Mortscript.exe

and in
storage card/Default/Auto.exe Auto.mscr, Mortscript.exe

I have dowloading the Rom image winceimg.bin and winceimg.cks
for my device and I put the two files into the file SEEKER_T500_LEOPARD also I put those two files into the folder Storage card/default , moreover I put them into the path Storage/ .

Nothing at all.

I try the step 3 with a 128K card and it happened the following:
I try to connect pin 9 to the ground and then mio restart.

One time when I target pin 18 and pin 14 I think (I am not sure because the pins are too small to push them with a wire) I have got the message
"Fatal error application cause an illegal...."
I touch the screen to remove this mesage but i could't so I make hard reset the device.

Do you suggest anything else FatboyFun?

Or do you think is time to give away my mio?

On the other hand I never saw as i search that someone has fix the problem with the freezing orange screen booting with a SD card.
I read all this good information here at navitotal all together and the same informations around at forums.

Thanks a lot for your time Fatboyfun !!!!!!!

Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:13 pm

Does the device support SDHC? Try MioPocket again with a 2GB card, I recall someone managed to install it when the device was stuck at the orange screen.

The unlock changes the path in AppStartupSec.ini itself. Other unlocks you make the change yourself, (Method C I think)

Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:36 pm

Thanks for yours quik response!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will buy tomorrow one Sd card 2 Gb .
Which files from miopocket should I write to the path:
Storage/Default/ ???????????

and in


Do you think I must put and the files for the upgrade?

Please let me know if you remember which files I have to write to my SD card.

Thanks a lot and I will never forget yours quik response!!!!!!

Thanks a lot FatboyFun !!!!!!

Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:00 pm

There's no reason why you can't have both at the same time, Just follow the installation instructions that come with MioPocket.

If it works then you should be able to get USB access by either going to the connection settings within MioPocket or using a file explorer and running USBScreen.exe in the Windows directory while connected to the PC

Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:32 am


Miopocket can't boot mio 575 that freeze at orange screen. I try with a SD card 2GB. I will give it away at the moment and I will try to boot again with the method 9pin and pins 1-24 in the future.

Maybe it has a hardware problem as you mention Fatboyfun.

Thanks a lot.

Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:29 am

Hi all, I'm trying to install TT onto a NavMan S50, following the download links given above.
I am struggling to get past the French Maps screen.
Which UK map should I use from the list in the link? I've tried using 880.3868 with auto installer.

I've got the original software on the device(440mb with 119mb free), and the TT software on the SD card (2gb).

I get the French message, reconnect the device and run auto activate from the PC,then disconnect the device and run it but it goes back to the French screen.

Any ideas?

Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:26 pm

According to the chart 880.3811, 880.3866 and 880.3868 will work, I use 880.3868 although some it didn't work for someone, and they had to use 880.3866.

Things to check,
1, The map folder containing the map files is where it's supposed to be... In the root of the device or storage card, not inside another folder!
2, Some users with Windows 7 64 Bit have trouble patching the maps and had to use another machine.

I have installed Tomtom on an S50 in the same configuration as you.

Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:55 pm

Ahh brilliant, I just downloaded 3866, map only without activator, and it's working!

Thanks very much for your help, just gonna have a go putting a shortcut on now :)

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