Thanks for your replies.
Device: TT one 3rd edition, 32 ram.
I installed navcore 9.510 with the installer from downunder. After that, I got: "Done extracting 32 mb devices".
I am using the Western Europe 1GB (however the actual size of the downloaded .rar file is 444 Mb). I unpacked and placed the map directly in the root of my TT. Then I added some speedcams from the offical speedcams page to the map.
I placed fastactivate.exe to the root of the TT and started it. Then I got the message that I had to turn on my TT so certain files could be created. I went through steps 1-3 and also installed quickgps. Everything went well according to the report. All .dct files were created.
I started my TT and this time it didn't freeze at the TT logo screen. I had to configure my TT (language, time etc.). Then I got the error message: "Problem with map. You cannot use this map on this device: Europe_1GB_West-100877".
1) Can you tell me what's wrong this time? It looks like the map isn't activated well, while fastactivate did create the .dct file..
2) I also would like the voices in my language. Can I retrieve them from my back-up?