I tried to operate my TT in TTH -> still the same error.
I did run Clear Flash four times -> still same error.
I looked for old .data files in the root. Maybe you mean the .dat files? Or do you mean the Data. files (like data.chk)? Either way, the dates from these files are from april 2013, like more files.
Before using the 9.510s installer, I cleared the whole root (crtl + a > delete). Then I placed the installer (the .rar file) in the root and started it. Then I installed the 32 mb version succesfully according to the program. So I guess all visible files are created by that installation?
I could do it all again. It's a pain in the ass though, since it takes a hour now before the files get transfered to the TT. Maybe that's different now after the usage of Clear Flash.
What's your advice? I want to thank you for your patience by the way
edit: I formatted my TT (FAT). Let's start over..
I could just back up with the old navcore (8.010) and switch the newer map folder with the old one, patch and everything will work too, right? But will future maps keep working with this old navcore? I think it might be better to upgrade now, since I will have to eventually (?).