Remarks after a week testing on a GO 630, Go 720 and GO 730:
Everything works well, a little bit slower than before, but still OK.
All updates can be done by TT Home: Mapshare, GPS Fix and Security zone France.
All the rest (Maps and Extra radars) can be easely activated by FastActivate.
The only remark I stated is that the voices (all) are less loud than before in Nav 9.540
In Navcore 9.540 the volume was set at 85% and it was OK
Now in Navcore 9.541 I have to put it on 100% and it's still less loud than in Navcor 9.540
So my question now is:
As far as I can see and experienced, loudness/volume is "regulated" by the Navcore.
And thereby I don't mean the slider volume bar when tapping the screen in the left bottom corner.
It must be something else.
Is there a specific file where the volume can be "adapted"(make it louder) ? Which one ? How ?
Thanks for coop !