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Navman LM 5600

Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:23 pm

I want IGO on my Navman LM 5600 and find a howto.

Find the folder called Program files in the flash disk.

Inside this is a folder called Navman which in turn contains another folder called SmartST_CE and an application called AppStartupSec.exe
Delete the contents of SmartST_CE and replace them with the contents of the Igo folder ie content. licence, data zip etc
( In my case I used Igo ie the Igo folder is now called SmartST_CE. (or you could simply rename the Igo folder to SmartST_CE)

Rename Igo.exe to SmartST_CE.exe

Delete all the rest of the Navman crap to free up space (You might want to do this first)

You should now have the following structure on the flash disk.
Program files / Navman / SmartST_CE (plus AppStartupSec.exe) / (Igo files)
The device will now boot straight into Igo after the initial splash screen.

I did it all and after a reset the only thing is see is the startup screen.

Can someone help me.

Re: Navman LM 5600

Wed Dec 11, 2019 5:16 pm

nail80 wrote:I want IGO on my Navman LM 5600 and find a howto.

Find the folder called Program files in the flash disk.

Inside this is a folder called Navman which in turn contains another folder called SmartST_CE and an application called AppStartupSec.exe
Delete the contents of SmartST_CE and replace them with the contents of the Igo folder ie content. licence, data zip etc
( In my case I used Igo ie the Igo folder is now called SmartST_CE. (or you could simply rename the Igo folder to SmartST_CE)

Rename Igo.exe to SmartST_CE.exe

Delete all the rest of the Navman crap to free up space (You might want to do this first)

You should now have the following structure on the flash disk.
Program files / Navman / SmartST_CE (plus AppStartupSec.exe) / (Igo files)
The device will now boot straight into Igo after the initial splash screen.

I did it all and after a reset the only thing is see is the startup screen.

Can someone help me.

Bring the device in the original state en look if it works.
Rename the folder Program Files to Old Program Files.

Download the file LM5600, unpack you have 2 folders.
[Please Register or Login to download file]
Place those folders in the flash.
Start the device and if it works you see a screen with Primo Icon.
Touch the icon and Primo should be started (if you are lucky).

Re: Navman LM 5600

Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:10 am

I'm not lucky, :022: the only thing is see at first the calliberation modus end then a white screen.

Re: Navman LM 5600

Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:20 am


Like nail80, I want to install Igo on my LM5600.
I tried the same trick as described above, also tried to change the “ProcessFile=” – line in AppStartupsec, but it did not work either.
Using the same trick(s) I tried to start a (user-)menu in stead of Igo.exe (I used this menu on my previous device - which passed away :022: ). From this menu, you can start Igo (and do other things).
This menu is started via a mortscript, this script contains Playsound and sleep-commands”. I hear the sounds (in certain time-intervals), so I’m quite sure this script is started/running. However the RunWait-command (between 2 Playsound commands) ends immediately. I tried RunWait with the .exe for the menu and with Igo.exe (and Primo.exe). I did not work: the only thing I can see on the screen is the startup/splash-screen.

Now I’m out of options, the download given by holyhead is not available anymore.
Some ideas?

Thanks in advance
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