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Navman F610 help

Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:24 pm

Is any way to unlock this device to run iGO ? This device it have 2GB of internal flash (not have sd card slot) and the problem is on the root i see only:

DumpFiles -> directory
ExtraDumpFiles -> directory
device.sig -> file
device.xml -> file
NVM0 ->file
NVM1 -> file
NVM3 -> file
NVM5 -> file

it not have Program Files/Navman or Navman.

After boot it show navman screen and asc to connect to PC :(

Re: Navman F610 help

Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:36 am

Fatboyfun can help you out.
I think that - but wait for fatboyfun to confirm !!- your device is (almost?) identical to a Mio Moov 400 series. Maybe you can start reading in this : mio-device-unlock-f140/run-tomtom-mio-moov-and-navman-series-and-some-serie-t8018.html and get some info.

Again: best wait for fatboyfun !!

Re: Navman F610 help

Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:49 am

Ok. Thank you ! I have try with that Mio Device unlock but when run setup it show Mio Moov Device not detected and on Hardware it appear TATA3_5000 and Version 08.04.0385

Re: Navman F610 help

Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:54 am

I have found also this device is the same one with Mio Moov M610 (TATA3_5000) but as i write i do not have inside the /Program File/Navman folder :(

Re: Navman F610 help

Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:46 am

Yes you can, but you've lost the application's folders and files from the device. This is why it asks to connect to a pc and the unlock doesn't work.

It is possible to restore the files from the miomore desktop which is on the disc supplied with the device, or from the mio website.

Then you can unlock as normal.

Re: Navman F610 help

Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:42 pm

Never mind... Main time i have found a Mio Moov M610 backup on the net which is similar with my Navman F610 and put the file into my flash. After that i have put igo primo into the root and managed get it working ok by editing the file appstartupsec.ini located on the Program File/Navman:


Re: Navman F610 help

Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:22 pm

Hi, I have the F610
I'm a little lost in the manipulation of my GPS, I would like to install igo primo

Your Mio Moov M610 Backup where did you find ? (i'm french :) )

This is possible from the mio recovery software ?

And after ? i put igo primo into ?

Because with this link is not your method : mio-device-unlock-f140/run-tomtom-mio-moov-and-navman-series-and-some-serie-t8018.htlm

When run my Navman I have TATA3 and Version 08.04.0385



I found the method
but I happen to turn off or close the screen...
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