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NAVMAN iCN520 - Unlock and USA MAPS

Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:59 pm

Hi Guys,

Really hope someone can help me with this!

I have a NAVMAN iCN520 'Canada 210'

I really need your help installing some USA MAPS on the device.

I don't mind if this runs the maps that should have been installed on the device from new or if you could give me the information and tools to install ANY USA maps on it, regardless of their age!

Any help would be appreciated and any help will be rewarded if I can get this working! :)

Really struggling as so many links are dead nowdays!

Oh and one more thing, my preference is to run these from the device direct rather than using an external SD card!

Thanks in advance.

Re: NAVMAN iCN520 - Unlock and USA MAPS

Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:22 pm

Is the device unlocked?
What is the GPS navigation program installed?

Re: NAVMAN iCN520 - Unlock and USA MAPS

Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:41 pm


Thanks for the response.

The unit is not unlocked, so I would need the unlocking software as well as some form USA maps.

I look forward to your response. Oh, and I got it wrong its a iCN510 not a 520.


Re: NAVMAN iCN520 - Unlock and USA MAPS

Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:17 pm

There you have a problem having a Navman. The software is not supported anymore neither are the maps. I suppose the maps and software are original?

In fact, the iCN510 is a +10 year old model and is nothing more than a rebranded Mio 136 (Pocket Pc) running windows ce (4.20, in those days, I think). Navman installed their GPS software and locked the system so changes are ... not impossible. The user octosys recently unlocked one. Maybe send him a pm??
I know that in the past, there used to be a website about unlocking all Navman devices ([Please Register or Login to download file] ), however it has expired and the unlocks have gone. Nevertheless, octosys succeeded.

What should be possible to find on the Internet is miopocket (google) and that one should work, even when it is a very heavy program that weights a lot on the devices memory, so it may not be the best unlocking choice after all.

I think Fatboyfun can help out too. Then there is "danibor lanik" who might have an unlock that works.
Then after unlocking, an IGO8 is ideal to put on it. In any case, don't expect too much. IF/WHEN you succeed, you will be pleased and may have years of fun wit the device and IGO8. But when the unlocking goes wrong, ...

Re: NAVMAN iCN520 - Unlock and USA MAPS

Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:39 pm


Thank you so much for coming back to me, really appreciate it.

I have searched for days for some live links to an unlock tool but they are all dead by like 5 years! haha. I am a bit late to the party!

Anyways, I have sent messages to the people in your post so really hope one of them comes back to me.

Do you have any software or anything that could help - even the stock usa maps would be ok or tomtom or igo8 anything to get me round the states lol.

Thanks again, anything you can add i would really appreciate.

Many thanks.

Re: NAVMAN iCN520 - Unlock and USA MAPS

Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:00 am

I regret to say the best chance is waiting for a reply from those members and hope they visit, see your PM and take time to answer.
As said, the best GPS (in my eyes) for your device is IGO8.3. You must unlock your device first, however for whatever program you want to install, when you prefer another one. Maps depend on the program, so first things first.
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