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Navman Move 130M Unlock

Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:51 am

Hello All,

Just acquired a Navman Move 130M device, according to the sticker on it it's Windows CE based.
I'm not all that impressed with the Navman software and before I make a brand new device into a drink coaster by trying the wrong thing I thought it better to ask first, I want to run iGO software on it.

I've done a bit of reading here & elsewhere about how to unlock Navman devices, all that I could find seems to be for older devices and shows websites for how-to's that are now offline and unlock apps that are no longer available.

Can it be done by replacing an .exe with the .exe of another software that's been renamed to match the Navman naming system, or is a proper unlocker required?
As mentioned above I don't really want to just try things that might brick it without first obtaining some knowledgeable advice.


Re: Navman Move 130M Unlock

Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:35 am

I found a copy of MioPocket 4.0 release 68 that I had backed up from years ago and decided to try using that, it worked well.

MioPocket 4.0 RTelease 68 - [Please Register or Login to download file]

For this particular device I used a MicroSD card instead of the internal Flash Drive.

Instructions for this MOVE-130M device:
Unzip the MioPocket 4.0 Release 68 file to the computer, copy the MioAutoRun and Media folders to the root of the SD card.
Also copy any desired navigation software to the root of the SD card.
Create a folder named JANGMI_II_S5000E in the root of the SD card.
Then copy MioAutoRun.exe, MioAutoRun.mscr and MortScript.exe to the JANGMI_II_S5000E folder and rename MioAutoRun.exe to Auto.exe and MioAutoRun.mscr to Auto.mscr.

Place the card in the device & turn it on.
After the Navman splash screen shows a Menu appeared with Install MioPocket highlighted, tap OK.
If OK is not tapped within a few seconds the Navman software boots as normal, if that happens use the Reset button on the back of the device (little hole) and once the device starts again & the Menu appears tap OK.

After it's installed it's just a matter of setting the correct path/s to any navigation software that's desired, tapping the icon to start the software on the first run will bring up the settings utility to allow the setting of the correct path, if it's not already set correctly.

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