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Unlocking Navman S Series to install Igo Primo?

Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:29 am

I am looking to unlock a navman S series and install the igo primo on it with the latest maps.

I a little bit of reading and went through the standard procedure ([Please Register or Login to download file] ) however iGo is the only software needed, nothing more, So we need a SD card? So whats the correct procedures to install igo primo on a navman S series device?


Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:42 am

The procedure for Primo is exactly the same as for iGO.
The main issue will be the available memory, so keep Primo "thin" (no 3D, no TTS, no DEM, ...). Also any unlock software needs memory too, stealing it from Primo.

Have you read this : ?

Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:45 am

I see, so how much memory do I need for a full version of primo?

Can I run a cut down version on a 64mb sd card?

thanks for the link I am reading, could you also give me the latest primo nz maps and speed cameras and everything I need for the S50? any special lite builds I should try?


Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:09 am

Primo 2 works great on a S50, even with all the extras.
Obviously you must use a SD card. (2GB maximum)

Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:57 am

hey fatboy, long time.

how much space on a sd card do i need for primo 2 and how much for the cutdown "iGO 8 for 32MB Mio/Navman devices" ? will a 64mb card cut it?
doing it for a friend, not sure if they have a card or not. :fatigue:

Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:26 am

Depends on what maps you want, probably a 512MB minimum, but a 2GB is likely the smallest you can get.

Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:57 pm

wow really? 2GB's? I just needed new zealand (NZ) maps.

even the basic 32MB igo version would need 512MB - 2Gb for maps?)

Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:05 pm

I doubt you could buy any decent card smaller than 2GB nowadays, besides they ain't much to buy.

It's worth the extra space for future expansion like extra maps, another gps app or media player etc.

You also don't need the basic version as primo 2 runs perfectly.

Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:47 am

I know what u mean, ah, its just that I am not sure if my friend has those, and I dont want to give him one of my ones lol. so just trying to hook him up with some new maps to go point a to b. but I will ask him to get a card then.

can you give me some links please to download the best primo 2 version one out of the box, fast and easy. is the procedure to install the same as the one nabi pointed out or is it like I install the new primo 2 on the SD card? my friends is technology illiterate, he just uses the navman to go to places.

Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:29 am

Its a navman n268. so not sure if I gave the model right?

Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:38 am

You should be 100% sure about the model!! No, 110%!!!

What is valid about the S-series is valid only about the s-series! Try the method for some device on another device might turn that one into a paper press!

I am not familiar with the n268 device. My guess is that the 268n is a variation on the Mio Moov series and when I am right, Fatboyfun knows more about Moov's and Mio's. So he should be addressed to.

Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:28 am

It looks like the N268 is a moov type device, so all of the above applies, except larger SDHC cards might work and it may be Wince6.

Try the guide, if the unlock reports success then you'll be ok.

Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:00 am

Sorry, I originally thought it looked like a S series, but told my friend to double check and he said it was a N268.

Fatboy, So I'm going to use this guide,

But can you give me links to the newer version of Igo primo you would suggest me to use on this? that guide seems to be from 2011? are there any special settings? also where do i get latest maps for primo 2?

thanks for your help :biggrin:

Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:15 am

I saw no benefit in using a later version, (and the first versions of 2.4 were buggy) so I left it at this version because it's reliable enough to use all day every day.

You can always install this version and upgrade.

The latest maps are always found in the iGO map section.

Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:30 pm

hey fatboy, thanks i got the software working smoothly :023:
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