I have in my hands a gps Ndrive Touch SE, I wanted to release and install a menu with 2 browsers entering the wince and modifying the windows start register

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ~> System ~> Explorer ~> Shell Folders ~> StartUp
changing from ("\ Windows \ StartUp") to ("\ SDMMC \ StartUp)
Now, start and a "desktop" icon appears that can not be accessed. I suppose it is due to having changed the start route.
Before I could access wince by creating an "explorer.exe" file in the root of the sd card, now I can not do it anymore, I can not access wince.
Is there any solution to this?
Does anyone have the firmware of this device?
wince 5.0 resolution 320x240
my problem arose when following the following tutorial:
[Please Register or Login to download file]
Thank you very much!