pedrocasoy wrote:I finally want to present the full version of Ndrive 11 for WINCE.
NDrive 11 transforms your smartphone into a powerful turn-by-turn navigation device. Compatible with multiple mobile platforms and screen sizes, NDrive 11 offers the newest maps from the professional cartographer NAVTEQ. Maps are fully stored directly on your device allowing the application to navigate accurately without internet Wi-Fi, 3G, or 4G connections. With connectivity, NDrive 11 offers users to access a vast amount of innovative features.
NDrive 11’s market leading navigation application debuts its newly-fashioned app which includes:
Cutting-edge graphics
Professionally re-designed user interface
Substantially improved routing algorithms
Advanced search engine enhanced with Google functionality
Seamlessly fluid navigation
NDrive 11’s most innovative aspects include:
Real time traffic (Coming Soon!)
Nearby Offers (Coupons)
Facebook and Foursquare integration
Streaming weather
NDrive’s in-app Store
NDrive’s respected and trusted key features include:
Radar and Speed Limit Notifications
3D Rendered Buildings
NAVTEQ POIs Enhanced with Google Search Functions
Lane Assistance
Adventure Mode
1- Download and unzip to your GPS
2- Copy the desired MAP to map folder
3- Run the executable according to your WinCE version. (To avoid mistakes I strongly recommend to delete the other EXE)
If you run the wrong version, close de app delete the folder DATA and start again...
You can share these files and repack if is needed
Please always share yours MAPS!
[Please Register or Login to download file]
Can you upload again plesa, link is off
