AdriaTopo 2.20 - UNLOCKED IMAGE   

AdriaTopo 2.20 - UNLOCKED IMAGE

Postby Black Wolf » Mon May 17, 2010 10:49 pm


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SIZE: Full AdriaTopo 2.20, 316 MB

PASSWORD: no pass

Instructions: just extract, and copy extracted image file to your garmin folder on your device, or SD/MMC Card of your device Smile.

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Detailed, topographic map of Croatia, Slovenia and BiH

AdriaTOPO is detailed, topographic, non-routable map for Garmin GPS devices. Map is covering three countries: Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Referential scale is M 1:25000. It is intended mainly for use in handheld units by people whose job or hobby is related with outdoor activities.

AdriaTOPO contains hydrographic data, landuse, national parks and parks of nature, protected areas and all other classified areas. It shows over 90% marked hiking trails, mountain shelters and many other data for orientation in open space and nature which will surely help many mountain and nature lovers. Map contains a digital terrain model (DTM), which allows you to create and survey vertical alignment. The areas of protected regions in which users usually reside in outdoors were detail treated. 150000 POI are easily searchable – sources, peaks, restaurants, gas stations, villages or other. . POI search can be made by name (or one of the words from the name), category or point distance from the current location.
Map includes complete road network from AdriaROUTE with included settlements and street names and addresses.
There is continuous map data editing and upgrades for AdriaTOPO are free.

AdriaTopo 2.20 Specification:

AdriaTOPO is non-routable topographic map of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Reference scale is 1 : 25 000. Map includes digital elevation model (DEM) that provides making of vertical terrain profiles. More than 150 000 POI.

- all settlements according to the list from 2001 (6820).
- urban areas
- 457 settlements with street names
- 231 settlements with street names and house numbers
- more than 40 000 POI
- 40 100 summits with height
- 15 000 other topographic POI (spring, well, mountain accommodation, cave, valley, bay..)
- climber trails (marked), biker trails, trails..)
- contour lines every 25 m (in some areas 10 m)
- islands, lakes, rivers, streams, canals
- national parks (9 categories)
- railroads
- woods (source Landsat-7, 2001/2002)

- all settlements (5865) covered with street names and house numbers
- buildings
- 20 000 POI
- 8100 summits
- about 2000 other topographic POI (spring, well, cave...)
- climber trails (marked), biker trails, wine roads, trails
- contour lines every 20 m
- railroads
- lakes, rivers, streams, canals
- woods (source Landsat-7, 2001/2002)

Bosnia and Herzegovina:
- 5800 settlements
- 64 settlements with street names and Banja Luka with house numbers
- urban areas
- 7000 POI
- 7000 summits
- 6000 other topographic POI (spring, well, cave...)
- climber trails
- railroads
- lakes, rivers, streams, canals
- contour lines every 20 m
- woods (source Landsat-7, 2001/2002)


Please if you like my upload, say thanks, and download this files with premium account if you have premium acc :) , other way free account :)

Greetzz to all you ;)
Black Wolf offline

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