- Content of “Guia Quatro Rodas Brasil (Four Wheel Brazil Guide)”, with hotels, restaurants, bars, services and tourist attractions ranked by the team of journalism including photos, reviews, opening times, telephone numbers and payment.
- Official information from gas stations, indicating where there CNG, with 20,000 gas stations, with 6,000 of these in roads.
- Sign Up to 15,000 bank branches, supplied by the “Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban - Federação Brasileira de Bancos)”, with the phone number of each agency.
- Rapid response to error correction: updates every 30 days, the internet, including new sections of the “Rodoanel (Ring Road)” and “Marginal Tietê (Tietê Border Road)”.
- Search for addresses in Brasilia.
- Location by Postal Code.
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