Drive 61 - Full Europe map not possible any more   

Drive 61 - Full Europe map not possible any more

Postby kantona » Sun May 29, 2022 6:07 pm

Hello all,
GarmanNuvi was helping me get the full Europe map on my device but things are not going as expected so I opening this topic for better support and for other people to see. This is a long story with my Drive 61 where I saw in January that I can't install the full map any more using GE. I do have SD cards (4 of them, various brands), but they are being ignored it seems so GE is only offering me a region of Europe, not full.
I had a support case with Garmin in January which didn't bring any results, but a new case I opened last week seems to give new information for my situation. According to what Garmin Spain told me, Garmin thought that many users around the workd is still using the Drive 61 and decided unilaterally to convert it into a Travel edition device. And they say the Travel edition devices are ignoring the SD cards, as if not there. And with the full Europe map being too big to fit into internal memory of Drive 61, it seems now it is impossible to have it installed by GE on this device.
GarmanNuvi says that according to my serial starting with 4PV this device was designed only for Western Europe, not full Europe. I don't know what to say on that. I bought it on Amazon Spain (and I mean literary Amazon seller, not marketplace) and it was marketed as full Europe and lifetime maps. And it did come with full map. I have it around 5 years and was always doing GE updates and the full map was always offered and installed.
So everything looked good until recently two things happened:
1). The full Europe map grew too big for the internal memory.
2). Garmin reconfigured this model to be Travel edition thus making it impossible to use SD cards as support for bigger maps.

Now I am in my latest attempt and here is what I did:
1). I manually deleted the map from the Drive 61. Just the map files. Now I don't have any map files neither on internal memory or the SD card.
2). I uninstalled GE from my Windows laptop. I cleaned any remaning files in Program Files and C:\ProgramData and deleted all Garmin mentions in the Windows registry.

After that I installed again the latest GE v7.13.1, connected the Drive 61 and told it NOT to register with Garmin servers (trying to make it as a fresh device).

As you can see in the image it does offer me a Europe map, and according to the size of 7.7GB it looks like the full one. It also offers me Africa map that doesn't interest me and I don't want to see it here, but lets ignore that for now.


But when I click the Install button for the Europe map we come to the well known steps where it forces me to select only specific smaller region, not allowing me to install the full map.


For the moment I didn't install any map, so I still don't have any map on the device. Lets see if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks a lot in advance.
Last edited by kantona on Sun May 29, 2022 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drive 61 - Full Europe map not possible any more

Postby FireFox58 » Sun May 29, 2022 6:26 pm

Garmin sometimes does very stupid things, and Garmin Express represents the gun.
I understand your regret and your frustration but often you have to "get around" the problem. How? Simple enough I would say:
  • With the GE download the European Maps for PC (MapSource Version) which are ALWAYS available in the "Installation Options".
  • Select any Region (I recommend Westrn Europe).
  • When you are done you will have to apply the Patch to the Firmware of your Drive 61, follow the Link of my specific SD Package ahead
  • After applying the Patch you can install all the Maps you want on the Device, both in internal and external memory

This is a custom SD flash kit only for HWID 2587 devices (Drive 61), firmware version 6.70
Code: Select all
Changes made from version 6.60 to 6.70:
- Added support for a new digital traffic provider in Germany.
- Improved software stability.
Changes made from version 6.20 to 6.60:
- Added support for a new digital traffic provider in Germany.

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Re: Drive 61 - Full Europe map not possible any more

Postby kantona » Sun May 29, 2022 6:35 pm

Thanks for the fast reply. I was reading about patching and I saw it exists for FW 6.20. Cool, you already have it ready for FW 6.70 too.

So can I install the Western Europe from GE and then copy the Garmin folder of the patch into the root of empty SD card and power on with it. Right?

And from that moment it is patched and I can manually copy IMG maps and JCV files into SD:\Maps and SD:\Garmin\JCV? I don't need anything else basically, just map and junction view.
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Re: Drive 61 - Full Europe map not possible any more

Postby FireFox58 » Sun May 29, 2022 9:49 pm

kantona wrote:And from that moment it is patched and I can manually copy IMG maps and JCV files into SD:\Maps and SD:\Garmin\JCV? I don't need anything else basically, just map and junction view.

After the Patch is correctly applied your Device will not have any problem in reading any type of Maps, we talk about IMG type of Maps.
You can put Maps and/od Additional files in Internal or external memory, the simple rules are the following:
1) Internal folder \.System can hold a single Detailed Map, named as gmapprom.img, in addition to the gmapbmap.img and gmaptz.img Maps
2) External folder \Garmin can hold a single Detailed Map, named as gmapsupp.img
3) Internal or External \Map folder can hold as Map as you need, named <as you like>.img
4) JCVs can be copied in Internal folder \.System\JCV or in External folder \Garmin\JCV
5) SID files can be copied in Internal folder \.System\SID or in External folder \Garmin\SID
6) .DB files can be copied in Internal folder \.System\SQLite or in External folder \Garmin\SQLite

The only thing you will have to avoid is to allow the GE to update the Firmware of the Device, in which case you would lose the Patch.
The best solution is to get an SD and copy the GarminDevice.xml file from the same folder as the Device to the \ Garmin folder.
When you connect the GE you will do it through the SD only, without the real Device. This way you will avoid compromising the Patch
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Full Europe map possible with custom garmindevice.xml

Postby GarminNuvi » Sun May 29, 2022 9:59 pm

So I helped you via a PM as disclosing your device ID or garmindevice.xml publicly is a bad idea. I created a solution so you didn't have to patch your device and would be able to download the Full Europe maps & additional files for your specific device including the unlock files .unl .gma . so no need to unlock maps either.
Your Drive 61: V4 M4v3 P8 8GB CB So6 A6 RT BT

Full Europe 7 GB (8,835,061,742 bytes)

Custom clone of your device
PM conversation
Re: Full Europe
Sent: Mon May 30, 2022 7:36 am
by GarmanNuvi

You cannot use your Drive 61 with the SD card plugged in it as GE is still picking up your actual device ,disconnect it and only plug in the SD card to your PC with an adaptor if you don't have a slot.

Re: Full Europe
Sent: Mon May 30, 2022 4:13 am
by kantona

Thanks for the attempt, but I don't think it worked. GE is still limiting me to select only a region of Europe.
I put your XML in folder Garmin on the SD card but I left the original XML in the internal memory. Was I supposed to delete it from there?

Anyway, you are right. PMs should not be used for support and long discussions. I opened a topic here:
Re: Full Europe
Sent: Sun May 29, 2022 6:52 pm
by GarmanNuvi

Hi kantona,
If you don't want to Patch your device, I have created a garmindevice.xml with your device ID so you can download the full Europe files. with the .unl ,gma file.
Just make a Garmin folder on a FAT 32 formatted SD card and copy the garmindevice.xml to the Garmin folder
DO NOT put it on your device this is only for SD card downloading
Use Garmin Express. Map Options>Change Map

Re: PS
Sent: Sun May 29, 2022 8:34 am
by GarmanNuvi

The latest firmware is 6.70 NOT 6.20
Request a Patch kit in that thread with these details.
<Description>Garmin Drive 61</Description>

Sent: Sun May 29, 2022 7:53 am
by kantona

Sorry to bombard you with PMs. I see all three previous PMs are now in Sent Messages so it looks like I just needed to wait. :)
I also wanted to let you know that I think I found the correct process to unlock my Drive 61 (with FW 6.20 and HWID 2587), it is actually your post:

So I just create new SD card and put the Garmin folder (from the extracted rar) on it and start the device like that? Or actually the *.bin files need to be in the root of the SD?

And once I do this I can copy future unlocked maps on the SD and everything will work?

Thanks a lot again.
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Re: Drive 61 - Full Europe map not possible any more

Postby kantona » Sun May 29, 2022 10:25 pm

OK guys. You gave me few options here including XML from GarmanNuvi that can avoid patching the device. I wasn't even aware you can use GE with only SD card.
Let me play around in the next few days and I will let you know what happened. Thanks to both.
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