kiko7722 wrote:Hi. Someone have Panamá or Caribbean Map? I have an old nuvi 205 FW updated. I would appreciate a brief explanation of how to install the new map on this device or on an SD card. Thanks
foves37401 wrote:I dont understand what im doing wrong. I installed the firmware suggested in this post. I downloaded the files i put them all in the sd card. I copied the SqLite folder to the device. The south america maps appears on BaseCamp but when i turn on the GPS i doesnt show the streets it just keep using the global map. Is there any specific tutorial step by step about how to install this?
theob wrote:Any chance for a .gmap version (PC Install), thanks in advance.
nelsonriggs wrote:
JCV High
JCV Low (Tks mapacocardl)
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Tks Rilofe
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soso2565 wrote:the GPS unit dont see it, thanks in advance for any suggestion
GarmanNuvi wrote:For a few years newer device's firmware could be patched (determined by their HWID) to use unlocked maps, since the DriveSmart 65 the firmware has been encrypted on these later devices.
Unfortunately it looks like Drive, DriveSmart 52,55,65,66,71,76,86, zumo XT , Alpha 200i, Montana 700, GPSMAP 67 & 67i are all in the same category.
No solution as the Universal Firmware Patcher does not recognise the new encrypted format.
gajevi52 wrote:Hello, there is news from South America 2025, thank you
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