Credits to [color="sienna"]catymag[/color]
This is a map a user drawn from a preprogrammed sd Arabic language. The map was scrambled in 2 parts and it has been reassembled in one IMG,two FIDs in the map(1101 and 799) and it's unlocked : It works in my 3790.
- Code: Select all
File: G:/SaudiArabia all.img, length 59793408
Header: 19.03.2011 01:42:06, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 0.00, Ms 0
Mapset: Saudi Arabia
Data MPS
V: Saudi Arabia (0)
F: [B]PID 1, FID 799[/B], Saudi Arabia2
F: [B]PID 1, FID 1101[/B], Saudi Arabia
unrar, rename gmapsupp.img or in new devices anyname.img and copy in your sd in a Garmin or in a Map directory.
[SIZE="3"][Please Register or Login to download file] [/size] (44,8 MB)
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