U.S. Inland Lakes Vision - Northeast v7.00   

U.S. Inland Lakes Vision - Northeast v7.00

Postby bam-bam » Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:33 am

Version: 7.00
Released: Apr, 2011


Displays detailed shorelines, shaded depth contours, coastlines, streams, channels, boat ramps, fuel stations, marinas, campgrounds and fishing locations (where available)
High resolution satellite imagery (selected lakes only¹), providing you with unparalleled situational awareness
MarinerEye view (selected lakes only¹), showing your surroundings in 3-D so you can gauge your position quickly and reliably
FishEye view (selected lakes only¹), showing your surroundings below the waterline in 3-D, including bathymetric detail
Auto Guidance (selected lakes only¹), which searches map data to recommend the best passage to a destination
Safety Shading so you can input and shade minimum depth on your compatible device
Provides data on tide prediction stations
Shows interstates, highways and general roads to help you get to the water

Coverage Details

Features thousands of freshwater lakes, reservoirs and rivers throughout the Northeastern region, specifically: freshwater lakes in New England as well as New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, lower Michigan and Kentucky as well as full coverage of lakes that extend into neighboring states. Lake Gaston and Kerr Reservoir in Virginia/North Carolina and Dale Hollow, Barkley and Kentucky Lakes in Kentucky/Tennessee also are covered in their entirety.


locked image
PID 1, FID 2384, region 1,3

Code: Select all

Thanks to Ballebar
bam-bam offline

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