Released 2010-12-14
Language English
Lithuania TOPO - a detailed GPS map of Lithuania, for those who prefer to travel in Lithuania.
Once you install on your Garmin GPS Navigator map, you can use a range of new opportunities that are available for the first time.
Lithuania TOPO. Key features:
In the 1:10000 topographic maps based.
Suitable for use in laptops, handheld (PDA) with computers, Palm and Windows Mobile OS, as well as GSM smartphone software Symbian (Nokia),
Windows Mobile and Palm operating system (only if used in conjunction with Garmin GPS receivers)
Automatic routing (autorouting) and save the route.
You only need to enter the final route (address), and all, GPS Navigator will calculate a route, find a street address in 1273 the Lithuanian cities and towns.
Over 103.000 km of water bodies - a complete list of rivers, streams, sources and channels.
Detailed bathymetric data from the fairways, depth, and points of ISO-lines of the Curonian Lagoon and Kaunas Bay, Trakai lakes and in the Nemunas.
More than 30 000 objects (POI), a database of addresses to search for:
- Shops and public catering
- Service-station
- Hotels
- Museums
- Banks
- Pharmacy
- Hospital
- Parking
- Rental car
- Post offices
- Embassy
- Church
- Schools
Line height and digital elevation model (DEM).
Other locations - the village, railways, forests, lakes and ponds.
Fully compatible with all other European and world Garmin GPS maps (eg, in conjunction with LT TOPO can be installed, and other maps Garmin)
LT TOPO is suitable for all Garmin GPS Navigators to which you can download maps.
Control menu and voice commands in the Lithuanian language.
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Pass: [color="sienna"]huntsman[/color]
MapID: 857