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Malsingmaps - MSM NT v5.12

Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:26 am

[SIZE=100]Malsingmaps - MSM NT v5.12[/size]
28 Mar 2011 released

Download from one the following links:
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[color="sienna"]Note: Product.JCV is for nuvi that support JCV. Put it under \Garmin\JCV. Currently only some of KL JCV images. Join in to contribute the JCV photos so that the JCV collection grows.[/color]

File:      G:/gmapsupp.img, length 43343872
Header:      28.03.2011 12:05:38, DSKIMG, XOR 00, V 0.00, Ms 1
Mapset:      MSM NT MY/SG/BN Map

Data MPS
 V: MSM NT MY/SG/BN Map (0)
 F: PID 1, FID 4596, MSM NT v5.12


Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:21 pm

thank you very much

Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:31 pm

thanks a lot
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