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Blaupunkt Travelpilot NX HRNS Carrier disc needed

Hello everyone,
I just inherited a 2007 Ford Focus Titanium X with a Blaupunkt Travelpilot NX HRNS GPS Radio.
I just managed to unlock it using the serial number but it asks me to "Insert Original Data Carrier"

I used the ford GPS disc I found in the glove box, but it's scratched to death/ Does anyone know a source online I can just download an ISO of it?
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Blaupunkt Here Europe 2021.Q2 SpeedCam Includ

Blaupunkt Here Europe 2021.Q2 SpeedCam Included
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Ford Kuga 2010 TravelPilot NX eastern europe latest maps

can anyone please help with Ford Kuga 2010 Blaupunkt TravelPilot NX maps?
I need EASTERN Europe maps. I have 2012 maps,but there is no all streets for Latvia
Read more : Ford Kuga 2010 TravelPilot NX eastern europe latest maps | Views : 1566 | Replies : 0

Blaupunkt TravelPilot 2017 TeleAtlas Maps

I have a 2006 Audi A4 Avant.
I have a Blaupunkt gps with monochrome screen as on the image you see. I am looking for GPS navigation CDs for Europe. Can you help me in my search?
I thank you in advance
Read more : Blaupunkt TravelPilot 2017 TeleAtlas Maps | Views : 2819 | Replies : 0

vw radio code needed

blaupaunkt radio code needed pls
blaupunkt gmbh
bno 881
7 612 002 022
VIN: WVGBC67L54D004302
Read more : vw radio code needed | Views : 1920 | Replies : 0

Find help for Philadelphia 845

please tell me.
How navigator work? I select this menu but not anything happen.
And where I can search map for Thailand.
Read more : Find help for Philadelphia 845 | Views : 3019 | Replies : 2

Blaupunkt New York 830

Hi Folks
I own two Peugeot 308 s both are 2009 models one is a wagon the other is a hatch.
Both have head units which are 2 DIN Blaupunkt New York 830 units.
One has a 2 GB micro-SD card the other has an 8 GB micro-SD card.

Navieextras company happily allow me to update one of these approx once per year for a fee of 119 Euros.
The other even though it is ...
Read more : Blaupunkt New York 830 | Views : 3804 | Replies : 2

Travel Pilot 700 update

Dear Forum.

I am the "fortunate" owner of the Blaupunkt navigation device called Travel Pilot 700 (TP700). It came with TeleAtlas 2009 maps, which are getting outdated to the point where I can no longer reliably navigate according to them. Caused me a lot of trouble - but also some unexpected surprices - on a recent trip abroad : ) I can't seem to find any updated maps online, and Blaupunkt don't support such "old" ...
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Card too small

I hope someone here can help.

I have a Blaupunkt New York. I like the Navi system but my SD card is only 4Gb - not enough room for all the maps.

I would really like to setup on a bigger card. The system is in my mind completely stupid as you cant backup and restore onto another card. This makes no sense as if the original card gets broken the system would appear to ...
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Blaupunkt Teleatlas Europa DVD EX-V 2016 DVD9 MULTiLANGUAGE-

Blaupunkt Teleatlas Europa DVD EX-V 2016 DVD9 MULTiLANGUAGE-NAViGON


Weight: 6.46 GB
Contents: .iso
Compression: rar
Language: Multilanguage / ENG
Data recovery: 3%
CD burn as a DVD-ROM
No password


Never get lost again: 100% detailed street network for 24 countries
Avoid traffic jams and construction sites with the
Traffic message channel on the busiest european
Highways .In Great Britain have additional information
verfuegbar by ITIS. Feeling hungry, looking for a
Park spot ...
Read more : Blaupunkt Teleatlas Europa DVD EX-V 2016 DVD9 MULTiLANGUAGE- | Views : 4817 | Replies : 0


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