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How to see multiple poi icons at the same place in Primo 2.0?

Wherever there's more than one poi, I don't see the designated poi icons but three blue balloons just like in the pic. I tried o disable it using the following line in sys.txt but didn't work.


What can I do disable it so that I can see the brand poi icons for them?
Read more : How to see multiple poi icons at the same place in Primo 2.0? | Views : 2912 | Replies : 4

Primo 2 - next road name on screen


When I have put in a destination I have the road I'm currently on displayed on the bottom of the map screen and the next road I'm going to on the top. I want to loose this next road name on top as if means that the dem file isn't displayed fully. Do you know where I can change it within settings so the next road name isn't displayed at all?

Thank you
Read more : Primo 2 - next road name on screen | Views : 2212 | Replies : 3

Navman S50 Help

Hi Everyone...

Just a few quick questions that hopefully you guys may be able to help me out with....

    Which version of primo is best for my Navman S50? ( Windows CE v5.00 )

    I live in the UK, so which is the latest version of the map?

    Is there any way to have Primo auto start when the device is switched on, like it was supposed to be on there in the first ...
Read more : Navman S50 Help | Views : 5112 | Replies : 29

Auto Day/Night issue with iGo8.3

As iGo somehow can't set the time automatically, I set my own time zone from the list provided. This shows the time correctly in the panel menu. However the Automatic switch from Day to Night (CLUT inversion) is very erratic or doesn't happen at all - meaning it stays on night all the time. I suspect it is still taking China time despite the fact that the time displayed is correct. I've disabled GPS time ...
Read more : Auto Day/Night issue with iGo8.3 | Views : 3400 | Replies : 6

igo maps - mute by default?

Hi all.

Ive got igo8 running on a 7" chinese radio.
How can I set the sound as muted by default?

Read more : igo maps - mute by default? | Views : 2271 | Replies : 2

igo 8.3.5 freezing after 20mins or so

Hey guys new to this but do know a few things about computers and files what not.
Had a question I have a chinese Double din gps in my winter car and it seems to be freezing after about 20mins or so. Now I have seen here and there that u could alter the sys. file on the sd card so the gps uses less memory and runs more stable, just need to know how ...
Read more : igo 8.3.5 freezing after 20mins or so | Views : 1863 | Replies : 2

Binatone F430 (Win CE 6.0) - Want to run iGo Primo?

Hello all,

I've got myself a Binatone F430 which runs Win CE 6.0 as stated on the box.

Ordered and awaiting a 2GB SD card in the post but want to get all the files in order ready to be loaded when my SD drops through the letterbox.

So far I've downloaded the iGo Primo provided by chas521:

Not too sure if that is the latest version available and what else I need in ...
Read more : Binatone F430 (Win CE 6.0) - Want to run iGo Primo? | Views : 19405 | Replies : 54

Need help with Igo primo 2

It does not work after a new installation, the screen flash and fade, then quit the application..
Chinese OEM WM CE 6
someone told me it is expired?
Read more : Need help with Igo primo 2 | Views : 1487 | Replies : 3

Getting stereo sound

A bit off subject I know but you guys have helped me in the past and hopefully might be able to give me some ideas.

I run Primo on a double din unit. The inbuilt firmware media player is appaling so I have set the unit up to boot me into WinCE and run iphonetoday to give me a nice front end. primo works fine through this but I know the media player built into ...
Read more : Getting stereo sound | Views : 1616 | Replies : 2

TMC Foler files

My device has the TMC receiver built in. I'm using Primo2. TMC is detected.

In the TMC folder there are several files, for example: UnitedKingdom-TrafficMaster.tmc, or France-ViaMichelin.tmc.

Do I understand that you require these files for TMC to work in the specific country?

Where would I get files for Toronto Canada, or USA?

As you know, we can't purchase subscriptions anymore, but if we could, would a file be generated and placed into the TMC ...
Read more : TMC Foler files | Views : 5619 | Replies : 8


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