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Suggestions for making files more available

Perhaps a link to a torrent? This would be the best way of making the files available.

OR use some of the file hosting sites such as:
Read more : Suggestions for making files more available | Views : 1807 | Replies : 8

First Post, COMPLETE noob with a TomTom ONE XL-S

Hello guys I have recently dloaded a torrent with the map 885.4094 for the US for my Tom Tom ONE XL-S (app version 8.010)

The map I currently have is the USA_and_Canada map v715.1712. I backed up my TomTom and put the folder into a rar file so I can fix the tom tom in case I mess anything up.

I am currently copying the 885.4094 US map to the device (USB-PC) and will be ...
Read more : First Post, COMPLETE noob with a TomTom ONE XL-S | Views : 2682 | Replies : 7

TOMTOM maps for android ?


I have a question about cellphone navigations.

I have now a HTC ONE X, love this cellphone.
But what i want to know is, wat kind of navigation formaly (tomtom i want) can be runned on a Android 4.0.3 cellphone?

And is it possible to use new updated maps, and is usable (think of is it using alot of 3G (mb's)
Because i live in the Netherlands we use 3G with mb data. So ...
Read more : TOMTOM maps for android ? | Views : 2707 | Replies : 5

Can my old Navigo V2 use Lane Guidance

Good evening and thank you for such a wealth of information. I've spent the last few days reading so much, trying to answer the following the above question but i seem to have got myself all tied up.

What i have learnt so far is Lane Guidance is a map feature not a hardware feature. Now here comes my confusion....Am i right in thinking although it is a map feature the TT version 7.310 im ...
Read more : Can my old Navigo V2 use Lane Guidance | Views : 2582 | Replies : 7

newbie: please need help with IQ Routes and show lane images

I have a tomtom one version 1
App 8.562
32 MB RAM.
Boot 5.5022.
Maps UK and Republic of Ireland 885 4010 v885.4010. Italia 885 4010 on 2GB SD card.

think I am pretty much completed. I would like to add IQ Routes and show lane images/advanced lane guidance (which is currently greyed out.)

I would be grateful if somebody could please help?

Thank you
Read more : newbie: please need help with IQ Routes and show lane images | Views : 2763 | Replies : 10

ONE New Edition - not working

Hi all,

I have a TT ONE New Edition which I've bought back in 2006. After putting up for so long with the frustration of not being able to use any of the new features of newer devices, I decided to update the navcore.
So, I downloaded the "8.415.one2009_plus.CAB-navcore-ONE" using the link posted in one of the discussions in this forum, which sent me to the TT download page (I think.... :-/ ).
Anyway, copied ...
Read more : ONE New Edition - not working | Views : 1287 | Replies : 5

tt 300

Hi all
I have a friends old tt 300 and was wondering if anyone can help me with which is the best navcore to put on it
Read more : tt 300 | Views : 1242 | Replies : 2

Newbie - Tomtom one with SD Slot - App 7.162 Map Versions 67

Hi everyone

I am new to this forum - so apologies if you have answered these questions a 100 times before. I have searched the forums, but can@t find specific answers to my query.

I have a TomTom one with an SD Slot. I have UK & USA maps - both Versions 675.1409 which I know will be old - but work fine with the places I seem to go :)

I am trying to ...
Read more : Newbie - Tomtom one with SD Slot - App 7.162 Map Versions 67 | Views : 3028 | Replies : 6

need to explore files on my internal flash tomtom one V1

I am back. sorry about that.

Please could you help?

I need to explore files on my internal flash is there any software allows to do that? I have tried installing ttexplorer. I managed to get the icon in the menu but when I tap the screen its turns multi coloured and freezes.

is there a way to browse and modify internal files? thank you.
Read more : need to explore files on my internal flash tomtom one V1 | Views : 2292 | Replies : 11

Newbie question - How to update maps

I am new to all of this..

I have a One XL 1 GB TTS and want to update the map. Can someone PLEASE give me a step-by-step on how to accomplish this?

Here is the data from the GPS unit.

App 8.010
OS: 190943
Boot 5.3013
Map USA & Canada v710.1575

I've been reading the tutorial but am still at a loss.

Where do I even start?

Thanks in advance.
Read more : Newbie question - How to update maps | Views : 1793 | Replies : 2


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