Starting off with a bit of frustration. After registration and beginning to browse, I get a popup saying I have a personal message. I go to read the PM and it was a nice welcome message. I type up a reply and hit the send button .... but ..... you must have five postings to send a PM !!!???? Rejection!!! I get off the site ... A couple hours later check my email.... ...
Hi dear friends and members, About one week ago, 14 October 2011 to be exact, the server ssd hard drive suddenly broke. A lot of important scripts, datas and files have been lost.
The datacenter refuses to recognize it's involvement in the broken ssd... The datacenter sent the ssd to a company, who has asked $807 to repair it. The datacenter refuses to pay anything, even though they were responsible. Navitotal doesn't earn enough to ...
Hello, I misteremme. Sorry for my English .... I write from italy. I know you and I appreciate you for a long time. my compliments to the staff!!! :drinks::drinks::drinks::drinks::drinks: